Cheater on Xbox. No Recoil with the sweepers. Probably Chronusmax or other. It’s rage
Anyone wanna schedule a massive Firebomb lobby, since their is absolutely no one in these lobbies unless you schedule? We can all collectively get harder challenges done while in the lobby? I would usually go to warzone for this challenge…
I never liked the league class in pubs. Range and too little ammo for 6v6 was a problem. Kill 2, swap to pistol for the 3rd and hope there isn't a 4th. Then try to reload without catching bad timing.…
Hello, i'm looking to get this trophy but i'm having a hard time finding players in this game mode. So if you're looking to get this trophy, don't hesitate to let me know and contact me on PSN. PSN :…
I have played Miami Strike more times than I can count but have never seen this. Have these images always been here? 😂
I’ve been trying to get this code to work but I don’t understand how it’s supposed to be solved mind if anyone here can help?