

Do I really need a rapid trigger keyboard?

I see on that only about 25% of pros are using razer huntsman or wooting rapid trigger keyboards, I wonder why something that is supposedly objectively better is not adopted widely by professionals? When synthetic fabric was introduced in sports basically…

Player model sway comparison between CSGO and CS2 (by @_ale_cs). Some sway did exist in CSGO, but CS2 has many instances of weird poses. The models swayed much more in beta (March 2023) and was pretty bad for gameplay causing peeker's advantage per fl0m during their playtest at Valve in Jan 2023.

Player model sway comparison between CSGO and CS2 (by @_ale_cs). Some sway did exist in CSGO, but CS2 has many instances of weird poses. The models swayed much more in beta (March 2023) and was pretty bad for gameplay causing…