Wht does he play?

spotted in the wild on FB marketplace


  1. KarateMan749

    Eeeeeeeee windows 7 is eol. Why is it on it

  2. EMB_pilot

    Plays the stock market as a day trader perhaps.

  3. GreatDevourerOfTacos

    Eve Online or he multiboxes on Everquest.

  4. North-Thing5649

    He likes graphs…way more expensive than crack

  5. Pedro_Malogor

    And people Tell me that 5 monitors are too much

  6. MS Flight Simulator or Elite Dangeorous would appreciate the setup

  7. Technical_Shame5726

    Bro’s gonna use it during online school.

  8. Ok_Bar_5634

    All that for 45 bucks?? Does the post still exist?

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