Gee, I wonder why

Gee, I wonder why


  1. copingcopium

    There a lot of other reasons to hate them

  2. Melodic_Slip_3307

    like, i wouldn’t have a problem with ads if they were strategically placed: instead, we have so much of them fucking dividing our focus and you gotta cherish every second of your life, innit? those forced 30 seconds prior to a YT video could’ve been spent wisely

  3. HourDrive1510

    Google is the best advertisement for its competitors

  4. AdBetter1989

    youtube ads are getting out of hand. sometimes i get 3 unskippable ads

  5. I actually like the manifest v3 ublock origin lite. It’s faster and it works the same for me.

  6. EiffelPower76

    Don’t you know Google is here to make money ?

  7. thrownawayzsss

    this implies that Google gives a shit about how you feel, which is wrong.

  8. I agree with your sentiment but corporations couldn’t care less about being hated, they’d do practically everything for money

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