Are Indie Games the Future?

Are Indie Games the Future?


  1. LostInElysiium

    always have been since AAA relies too much on investors & proven formulas + profit maximization.

    no room for true creative freedom, experimentation or passion behind those products.

  2. CrustyJuggIerz

    where corelation?
    Gotta do number of AAA titles released compared to number of indie games released, then get the percentages of each that have a score over 85

  3. SoDrunkRightNow4

    goal of AA games: make as much money as possible
    goal of indy games: make fun games

    It’s inevitable. Plus indy companies experience massive brain-drain when they become corporatized. Look at Blizzard for example. All of the devs with talent left the company a decade ago. The people remaining have room-temp IQs.

  4. milk-jug

    This is silly.

    You need to multiply each score by the number of A’s. For example, Skull & Bones is 236 points, the highest score in history.

  5. Yes. There are ever increasingly more tools to assist with game development now days to indie devs. The opportunity for a movtivate person to make an indie game is very achievable. Now a lot of indie games aren’t that good, but at the right price theres usually someone willing to try those random indie games out.

  6. TopdeckIsSkill

    I fail to see the point.

    Every year there are thousand of indie games released while the number of AA+ is way lower.

    Also customers wants both type of game. I enjoy Persona 3 just as much as Sea of Stars. One doesn’t exclude the other

  7. chemicalrex

    Remember when there were mid budget games, AA. Would love to see them make a comeback

  8. EnSebastif

    I’ll tell you what is NOT the future: corporate greed. And this also aplies to everything outside videogames.

  9. CrouchingGrandpa

    Out of curiosity where’d you source the data and do you have a number for quantity of games on both categories per year?

  10. Red_Hood121

    I hope so, Indie devs make some amazing games that often are easy to run. I don’t mess with AAA all that much anymore.

  11. Exciting_Swordfish16

    Which definition of “indie” are we using? 

  12. I don’t see why we want to give our time to AAA titles in the first place. They are often ruined by the publishers who get forced to into awful situations by the share holders. My time is of equal value. Game devs that put in love and effort into their game deserve more of my time.

  13. BetterPySoonTm

    This entire fallacy comes down to AAA games being overpriced, and indie games effectively being a steal from the devs (i,e priced too low), hence Indie beats expectations easily. And that is ALL that metacritic measures, hype vs reality factor.

  14. Michaeli_Starky

    Indie games are niche. A lot of them get very high rating, but their audience is miniscule.

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