
Ubisoft Monetization Director Says Fan Celebrations Around Ubisoft Recent Troubles Are “Revolting”, Claims Any Industry Peer Doing The Same Is A “Non-Human Being”

Ubisoft Monetization Director Says Fan Celebrations Around Ubisoft Recent Troubles Are “Revolting”, Claims Any Industry Peer Doing The Same Is A “Non-Human Being”


  1. Roids-in-my-vains

    The ubisoft collapse is more entertaining than any game they put out since Black Flag

  2. Reciprocity2209

    What’s revolting is Ubisoft’s behavior and treatment of the very fans this shitstain has the gall to criticize. Low quality games lead to resentment and low sales. The people who were conned out of their money by those games deserve a little catharsis in watching a corp collapse under its own bad decisions.

  3. Anyone who says something like this is a non-human being

  4. Chanzui91

    That it is the MONETIZATION DIRECTOR saying this is just too ironic not to laugh at…

  5. “What’s the harm, we’ve only been making your choice of escapism worse and worse for the benefit of shareholders and equity firms because they also fuck over every other aspect of life for you too?”

    Man literally might as well be crying out “won’t somebody think of the poor shareholders”. Lmfao.

  6. Man who makes his living literally making games more annoying on purpose with the only intention of getting more money from players making any sorts of moral claims is hilarious.

     Then again, to him a human is just something that exists to give him money, so him calling someone non-human is actually a compliment!

  7. pokerbro33

    This is in large part why Ubisoft is failing – people at the top have their heads so far up their own asses they can’t see sun anymore.

    Remember when one of those lunatics called Star Wars: Outlaws a AAAA game? These people are completely out of touch.

  8. Left-Night-1125

    He finds it revolting…we are on the right track.

  9. StrangeCharmVote

    Make something people will actually want to buy, and the profit will come.

    How did companies forget this?

  10. Chronotaru

    If your job title is Monetization Directory you probably shouldn’t be making public statements, or actually anything that draws public attention that someone with your job title exists.

  11. KairosGalvanized

    I dont understand why this dude thinks he is like one of us and deserves our respect when his job is there to milk us dry

  12. Delivering half baked, unfinished garbage is fine though…

  13. TheRexRider

    “How dare you shame us for shameless cash grabs?!” – shameless cash grab director.

  14. More reason to not purchase their products…thanks Monetization Director

  15. muempire93

    Monetisation director is such a ridiculous term, makes perfect sense Ubisoft has one

  16. AsstDepUnderlord

    “How can you wish a company to fail simply because they do not cater to you or that the product does not please you is beyond me”

    Being “beyond you” is the problem. I get the frustrations, but it sounds like he’s told himself a story of what’s going on instead of trying to understand the fundamental nature of the complaints. When you do this you make it hard to create an environment that can address the real issues. No customers want ubisoft to implode…we want you to get your shit together.

  17. CryoPsyche

    We’ll celebrate harder.
    “Monetization Director” most likely was part of the problem and now can’t stomach the fact that their dream bubble burst. Freaking gremlin.

  18. brightcrayon92

    Oh no, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions

  19. A non-human being? This coming from the most scumbag position in the industry?

    Imagine your job entirely revolving about being as sketchy as possible

  20. Worth-Primary-9884

    I hope this guy gets on unemployment faster than he throws shit at fans. Let the fucker feel the consequences of his actions.

    You are going to hit rock bottom real soon, my friend.

  21. OrangeYawn

    It does bring a warm feeling that they are frustrated with the stuff they do not working out how they intend.

    Almost as if they went to play a game they were looking forward to and it turns out to be super shit and not worth it.

  22. Ubisoft:

    Utterly shite Launcher: YES

    Utterly shite Monetization in fucking single player games: YES

    Utterly repetitive Gameplay mechanics to pad gametime: YES

    Utterly shite treatment of critics: YES

    Buying any games from them: HELL NO

  23. TonberryFeye

    Ubisoft, and many other companies seem to be labouring under the delusional position that they have a right to morally grandstand, and their customers are obligated to support them in this behaviour.

    They do not, and we are not.

  24. Flashmode2

    Consumers aren’t industry peers. Out of touch corpo speak.

  25. Ultikiller

    The guy says non-decent human beings, thats a very different statement.

  26. PointsOfXP

    Regardless of the situation, these comments are only damaging the company

  27. I promise if y’all just make a game worth buying, people will buy it

  28. “Non-Decent human being” the title is incorrect. Vastly different that calling someone inhuman. I guess the original quote wasn’t dramatic enough to farm karma?

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