
Ubisoft Monetization Director “Ashamed” and “Sad” at Gamers and Devs Wishing Company to Fail

This brings me joy.


  1. His job is literally how to squeeze out as much money as possible from the gamers and he wonders why gamers don’t like him

  2. StannisLivesOn

    To me, the most telling part is not when he writes about the fans, but when he’s dismayed about the same rhetoric from the fellow devs. They can’t stand this bullshit either.

  3. raisedbytides

    Holy shit, now that’s a job title that would make Satan upset he didn’t create it first.

  4. Says the guy whose job it is to milk their customers as much as possible while providing as little as possible.

  5. The problem is that you, as a Monetization Director, suck at your job. You failed to create something that feels like value to the customer. Instead you created something that feels like Value to Ubisoft.

    You put crap on the shelves and expect it to sell like serving crap on a plate in a restaurant.

  6. Stevev213

    The fact that they have a position called “Monetization director” is telling enough.

  7. EMB_pilot

    The amount of deflection that Ubisoft management displays is wild.

  8. Key_Amazed

    Nobody wants developers who actually respect their audience to fail. Ubisoft has done it to themselves.

  9. Frenetic_Platypus

    >While it’s never good news when a company is failing and in danger of closing shop

    Oh fuck right off with that bullshit. If a company is shitty enough to the consumer to bring the entire industry standards down, and Ubisoft comfortably is, it is clearly a good thing for them to fail. Try to make a good product at a honest price if you don’t want people to rejoice that your scam is coming to an end.

  10. zapiks44

    I’m being lectured about morality by a guy whose entire job is to nickel-and-dime me as much as possible.

  11. nicklovin508

    Monetization Director for Ubisoft

    Or as we like to call him, that asshole

  12. Just_a_terrarian163

    I’m sorry but when I open a “AAAA” game I expect to experience childlike wonder, fun like I’ve never had before and an artstyle that makes me faint.

  13. Godspeedhero

    I think people mostly just want ONE of these titans to fall. Kinda sucks it’s Ubisoft, but it’s also hard to feel bad for then after that “Get used to not owning your games.” BS.

  14. Big-Soft7432

    Him having those feelings lets me know we are doing something right. Cheers 🥂🎉

  15. hacketyapps

    Boohoo less money… less millions for their bonus

  16. billsimpson176

    Orphan crushing machine director “ashamed” and “sad” at orphans who don’t wish to be crushed.

  17. long-live-apollo

    The fact that any company would have a “monetisation director” tells you everything you need to know about that company’s products

  18. Maybe this is more his speed, To unlock a happy comment pay 5.99$ or Buy the Season Battle Pass and you get 10 *mystery* comments with a guaranteed drop rate of at least one “super positive” comment and two “epic” comments.

  19. SpaceOdysseus23

    The most soulless man in the company trying to moralize is genuinely hysterical

  20. thedeadsuit

    I’m saddened by his role needing to exist and I’d be quite happy if it didn’t. His job is to make games worse so that they can squeeze more money from players. That’s his job, specifically. Not sure how he sleeps at night but playing victim is a whole other level

  21. AutisticHobbit

    I wish anyone but someone at Ubisoft had made this point.

    Like….he’s not wrong about some of what he says….but…Ubisoft is Ubisoft’s biggest problem. Clean your own house, first.

  22. ZigyDusty

    I wish for management to fail and see their asses gone i have no ill will on the low rank employee just doing their job, I’m sick of the people in charge making bad decisions screwing over everyone beneath them and seeing mass layoffs because the people in charge are morons and failing upwards.

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