
Ubisoft Is Reportedly Planning To Release 10 Assassin’s Creed Games In Five Years

Ubisoft Is Reportedly Planning To Release 10 Assassin’s Creed Games In Five Years


  1. GamerGG7267

    I’m sure the quality on each of these games will be amazing /s

  2. Fubang77

    Hahaha. Fuck you Ubisoft. We’ll just get the blame for your shitty games anyway. So why bother.

  3. florianw0w

    I wonder why they don’t grow/sell as many games anymore

  4. definitelynotrussian

    What a great idea, why don’t they go with 15 instead? I’m sure it will bring them even more revenue

  5. lts_Daddy

    Maybe they’re also going towards the remaking route. AC4 BF Remake will be the first one and more will follow.

  6. TheMostDapperdDan

    For the love of all that is holy just give me a new splinter cell

  7. Like how Disney bought the Star Wars franchise and gave us nonstop forgettable movies.

  8. Trevor-On-Reddit

    I don’t even think Ubisoft has 5 years left.

  9. Past_Distribution144

    Hope that’s just shitty reporting. There’s no way they can make a quality game with only half a year for each.

    Can even say the recent ones released were pretty mid, the days where each game felt unique is gone.

  10. LordWitherhoard

    Well I’ll probably play about 3 of them when they’re heavily on sale.

  11. majin_rose_j

    Can I get a Watch Dogs 1 and 2 remastered man. Those games were meant to be part of this gen.

  12. JellifishPirate

    Fans of action games are reportedly planning not to play any of them b/c they’re sick of the stale formula! *satire*

  13. AdmiralAkbar1

    To clarify: this total includes spinoffs, remakes, and mobile games, according to the article.

  14. DosCuatro

    Lol ya cuz I don’t already have AC burnout

  15. cheesey_sausage22255

    And yet Splinter Cell is nowhere to be seen.

  16. In 10 years they’ll be able to AI generate 10 games per day! Great times ahead of us 🎉

  17. rusticcentipede

    Sounds like it’s counting spin-offs and stuff like that. I’m sure some of them will suck, but they’re not saying 10 major Shadows-level releases (which I would’ve been more worried about)

  18. Revo_Int92

    The “AC Infinity” stuff. It will be curious to see if Ubisoft will launch this “hub” alongside AC Shadows, the game is already being bombarded with negative PR from all sides, then here it comes the hub offering “season pass” for recent AC games, buy this Ezio cape for $5, etc.. oh boy, imagine the public reaction

  19. They’re just saying things to appease their stakeholders

  20. Guys, they’re just speed running development

  21. xKnicklichtjedi

    The number should at least be swapped… Poor devs.

    Better even more time. But one game every 3-5 years doesn’t get the investors hyped, huh?

  22. 54sharks40

    *who in his report on the Black Flag Remake’s fast development*

    Lol that’s so stupid it must be true

  23. VeryNiceBalance_LOL

    They’re going full braindead status.

  24. ReturnOfTheJurdski

    I’m still burnt out from the last one I played and I’m pretty sure it was Black Flag

  25. They still dont get that quality over quantity is what matters, do the business majors running Ubi this daft?????

  26. E_Brunswick

    And I guarantee every last one of them will be mid and buggy, dear god Ubisoft are insufferable

  27. WrastleGuy

    And I’ll play two of them when they’re on sale for 5 dollars.

  28. Thomas_JCG

    Good idea, pumping more formulaic games is definitely not where this franchise and company went wrong.

  29. CrowTranslator

    Very nice, I havent been called a bigot or racist for not liking them yet, but cant wait

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