It’s 2019, and you decide to make a montage and your not even that good

Never posted this anywhere until now. But this brings back so many memories playing with some old friends, people I only knew through PUBG, meet randomly. Good Times.


  1. lowweighthighreps

    To be fair this is before thousands of hours God like meta 6th sense spraying a beryl 5000m while dancing pubg came around.

  2. matiapag

    What a beautiful sight!

    But I can’t believe that Vikendi, 3x scope and SLR have been all around in 2019 already because I remember playing the game before those were added. However, that time was peak PUBG for me. Not early access, not when only Erangel was available, but just around when Vikendi was added, those were amazing times! The game was running much better than before, it was becoming way more competitive and it was just joy to play!

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