Don’t ship your expensive parts like this. At least get another box.

I was shocked to see this with outgoing packages today.


  1. --Shibdib--

    Jokes on you, that 4090 box has a mined to shit rx580 in it.

  2. No_Routine6430

    That’s exactly how my XFX card showed up. I was so pissed.

  3. OkStrategy685

    Jokes on you, that IS the other box bwahahaha

  4. kinomino

    Oh it sucks. Some component boxes are so lovely, its sad to have them damaged or torn. They delivered my ROG EVA-02 items literally with zero protection, luckily there was no damage or dirt. EVA boxes looks better than product itself lol.

  5. NG_Tagger

    I got my 4080 like that, from a retailer – here in Denmark. Honestly think I’ve gotten most of my hardware like that, unless I purchased more than one thing from a retailer; then it would get sent, bundled together, in a bigger box.

    It’s not uncommon, sadly – at least here. Anything in boxes of those sizes, tend to get shipped as they are. Some put them in a plastic wrapper/bag, so you can’t see the content – but otherwise no further packaging/protection.

    I really dislike it – we’re always careful with our expensive purchases – but the retailers don’t really seem to care all that much.

  6. The_Machine80

    Every gamer at the post office drooling thinking of a way to get that 4090.

  7. A place I used to work at just yeeted them into the cages. We had a lot of returns unsurprisingly.

  8. ProfessionalCatPetr

    My 1080 back in the day showed up like this from Amazon. Sat on my porch in the open on a busy street all day.

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