
WOW! So now I am losing connection in a Singleplayer game. [Game : Just Cause 3]

WOW! So now I am losing connection in a Singleplayer game. [Game : Just Cause 3]


  1. because_iam_buttman

    Reminds me of that time when Ubisoft forced always online on Assassin Creed 2 but they fucked up the servers so only people who could play the game normally were one that pirated it.

    And shit ton of people learned from their friends how to pirate games to make AC2 work. Ubisoft did promote piracy with that game.

  2. Dramatic_Pause0451

    If I recall correctly, the online functions in JC3 were optional, so you might be able to turn them off in the settings and avoid this. They mostly only record and compare mission times and things like your longest jump anyway, I think.

    There were some issues at launch that caused very long load times because the server was overloaded from too many players, but I’m pretty sure we fixed it by simply turning off the social features.

  3. Kosieiskak

    Its such a shame that game is actually really fun and the last good Just Cause, but it just does that even years ago when I played it, my connection is fine but the game has a poop about it every now and then.

  4. N7_Reaver

    Not just a game from 2015, but this is literally only for the leaderboards because of how it tracks your milestones. Nothing about the game “requires” an internet connection beyond that.

  5. JC3 has online leaderboards for feats: ie basically everything you can do in the game.
    Their implementation of it is…. lack luster.

  6. Silly_Importance_74

    That’s only for the leader boards.

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