I actually took a break from gaming to doom scroll

I actually took a break from gaming to doom scroll


  1. Donglemaetsro

    8 hours of standard pay for Dave the Diver 4 hours of OT pay for doomscrolling. Sounds like a union job. Remember to unionize people.

  2. devblake95

    Hey man you worked hard diving and serving sushi! I get the exhaustion.

  3. Good for you, but stay alert please. Shit can go wrong very fast.

  4. DigitalJedi850

    Worked in a factory for a while. Can confirm, most operator jobs allow for this. Well done.

  5. Cant_Meme_for_Jak

    I don’t have the luxury of such a gig, but here’s some unsolicited advice: do yourself a favor and get a handheld emulator system. I’ve got one set up to run everything from NES to PS2. I usually use it on airplanes / long car rides, but you could really get some mileage out of one if that’s your 9-5.


    Boiler Operator / Power Engineer?

  7. ShiberKivan

    Best I can do it to read a few chapter of my book, I get down time at work, bit have to do something every other minute. Reading books on the phone works well, gaming not so much. Can take me up to 4 hours to finish my dailies, which would take like 20 min at home.

  8. A_PCMR_member

    Play Satisfactory in a factory , for added immersion

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