
Hmm.. There is something strange about this wall. Maybe I should try hitting it?

Hmm.. There is something strange about this wall. Maybe I should try hitting it?


  1. Mean-Lynx1922

    Put a bomb in front of it, of course, but work fast! You don’t want the ATF showing up and stealing your dog’s rupee stash.

  2. Meister_Ente

    It can be broken down easily from the other side so you can use it as a shortcut from the base.

  3. -darknessangel-

    *Zelda chime* the wall comes crashing down and reveals….

    A burst water pipe!

    *triumphant Zelda chime*

  4. Jebusfreek666

    This reminds me of all the old hack n slash dungeon crawlers like the old Baldur’s gate and Champions of Norath. I would always “find” what I thought was a hidden room near the beginning of the level. After a long time trying to open it but getting no prompt and failing I would move on. Only to find out a hour later that it is actually the exit that drops you off near the beginning of of the level when you completed it.

  5. forluscious

    if you knock 3 times and a green light comes out. welcome to the after life, take a number.

  6. Remove your spacebar key and throw it at the wall.

  7. Matshiro

    We have wall like that in town, I always wondered what is behind it. Turns out there was mine there and if you open it the amount of deadly gas that is there would kill you in seconds.

  8. Echidnux

    You have to put in the Pharros Lockstone before it’ll open.

  9. DunnoMouse

    Wrong sub, but this looks like I need a big hairy man with an umbrella to open it

    Edit: I just realized there are multiple games for that specific movie, so absolutely correct sub

  10. amateurish_gamedev

    Don’t listen to other people telling to destroy it. No. Search for a switch. Could be a candlestick, loose books or a button inside of a skull eye sockets. Remember to bring a torch if you want to explore the dungeon.

  11. Vinzir141

    Snake! Find c4 to place on weak walls in facility.

  12. PhoolCat

    Save your ammo by just firing a torch at it

  13. SediAgameRbaD

    Roblox wall that you can pass through moment

  14. AnInsaneMoose

    No, you gotta find the lever

    Don’t worry, it’s in a very dumb and unintuitive position that you can’t even see without clipping the camera through the wall

  15. RegnarukDeez

    Wont work unless you run at it with full speed.

  16. Cymelion

    Do you have 2 Praxis Kits to upgrade your arms Mr Jensen?

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