Worst case for them, they get a lot of free testing out of you.

Worst case for them, they get a lot of free testing out of you.


  1. Clipboard4

    That’s a good point. I have weird feeling some with take advantage of this.

  2. Far_Process_5304

    Well no worst case for them people operate in bad faith, refund after playing for 100 hours because they are bored of the game, then the studio has to close their doors because they are suddenly bankrupt. They often NEED that money to fund the continued development.

    Look I fully agree that some (a lot) devs operate in bad faith themselves regarding the early access system, but this would not work the way you are imagining. People would just use it as a way to play games for free, regardless of if they are happy with the progress of the game or not.

  3. faverodefavero

    After all, people are testing their game and QCing it for free, their play time during Early Access should be free to them as well.

  4. DrVeinsMcGee

    EA is a tag that the game is NOT ready yet. Period. You spend at risk.

  5. Craterdome

    You are always free to not buy early access games.

  6. No_Nose2819

    Star Citizen owes me £20 grand then 😂

  7. LordBaconXXXXX


    >This early access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in it’s current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.

    You read this message and accept the risk wach time you buy an early access game on Steam. It’s like gambling and then complaining you didn’t win.

    You buy the game as it is, you know that and you accept it when you buy it. If you don’t want it, just don’t buy it. It’s really simple.

  8. xxMalVeauXxx

    Just stop buying early access games. They do it because people spend the money. They don’t even have to finish it, they got the money already and its never much less than the final price anyways. Look how many early access games are basically just dead and people are whining about it 2 years later or something. Just vote with your money. Early access will always be a cost thing as long as people are buying it. Stop buying it.

  9. Entirely disagree… if you buy an early access game that’s what’s you’re signing up for… do I think that Early access games should always be cheaper than at full release? Yeah.

  10. MaxAliga

    Pay on early days of testing and refund few days before release

  11. Targetm12

    You aren’t forced to buy or play early access games.

  12. JaggedMetalOs

    I think the “refund before X hours of gameplay” is fair. Maybe that could be higher for early access, but if you’re having enough fun to play hours of an early access game you’ve arguably had your money’s worth.

    Also being able to refund at any point would just encourage devs to do a pretend release of an unfinished early access game to lock everyone’s purchases in.

  13. Moist_Caregiver

    People have a choice to buy the game knowing full well it’s in early access. You don’t get special treatment when you were already warned.

    Consumers, just like companies, will take advantage if they are given the choice.  And that generally results in good companies getting screwed or good customers getting screwed.

    If you’re worried about it at all, wait for release, and wait for reviews. If the game is good, consider buying it at full price to support the company. If it’s bad, then don’t buy it and the company will suffer the repercussions of making a bad product.

    It’s that simple.

  14. I think there should be some criteria that allows early access games to be refunded, when there is evidence that the developers are using the feature in bad faith.

    For example:

    -No updates for some period

    -No full release after a certain amount of time

    -Additional monetization is being introduced ie. DLC’s

    -Developers started developing another game

  15. Then why don’t you ask them pay you to play early access game?

  16. That_Cripple

    that is not remotely the worst case scenario for the devs.

  17. Revo_Int92

    Early access by itself is a very twisted concept, you pay to work, lol this makes no sense. Hades is a infamous example, the first early access was completely justifiable because the dev team was super small, they didn’t had the capital to apply proper QA, blablabla typical, a bunch of indie games are like this. Hades was a huge success, sold millions of copies… here it comes Hades 2, the devs now have the money to apply QA in house and what they do? They ask the fans to QA for them again. And Hades fans will scream like lunatics, defending this practice regardless, they are conditioned already. It’s like if Larian returns with Divinity Original Sin 3 or something, then ask for early access… I mean, I appreciate your talent, but you don’t have the money to QA in house? Get that shit out of here. Early access should only be a thing for very small indie studios

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