Ubisoft: Why are people not buying our games?

Ubisoft: Why are people not buying our games?


  1. SignalGladYoung

    There are always suckers who will pay for any micro transactions and forget about them 2min later.

  2. ConstantNumber11

    They still haven’t fixed Unities online bricking, you have to download an app and unlink the account from the app to fix the game. They still haven’t uncapped the frame rate like in the 1.0 patch. 1.1 performance patch fucks up the game on ps5

  3. PalpitationNo4375

    Yeah I don’t think Ubisoft is worried about people not buying their games.

    I don’t know where people are getting this idea that Ubisoft doesn’t shift numbers. If you dislike their games is irrelevant. They shift numbers. Saw a post the other day talking about Ubisoft gonna struggle with a February release because of other games with AC. No. No they are not. They are going to fucking blitz everyone else that month unless a FIFA or a CoD decide to release that month.

  4. Eziolambo

    All animals had same travel speed šŸ„²

  5. Terminate-de

    Iā€™m always asking myself who is buying this. I would like to know some personā€¦ so far I didnā€™t met one of them

  6. raining_maple

    Remember when you used to get the coolest looking gear from doing the vaults and shit?

    Now we just get the credit card vending machine, such engaging and rewarding content!

    Fr tho itā€™s not even a money issue with me, I just donā€™t get any dopamine from paying to make myself look god tier, it was fun achieving that from in game activities.

    So Iā€™ll go play games like Elden ring that still allow me to do that :).

  7. WolfVidya

    “It’s just cosmetics they don’t affect the game” mfs when the whole game is now a minimum viable product to peddle microtransactions.

  8. bring games to steam without ubisietsoft and mb they will start earning money šŸ˜›

  9. Donglemaetsro

    Stopped like a decade ago when they managed to somehow turn HOMM into a money grabbing scheme. I don’t think they’re saying that at all since they’re still around and been a frequent on this sub for a decade.

  10. truth_is_power

    money is greed in physical form.

    the more you have, the more you have dedicated your life to accumulating it.

    capitalism is a religion of greed.

    life is finite.

    money is infinite.

    profit is imbalance.

  11. Fast_Biscotti_3649

    People are buying their games, their games are some of the most popular games in the industry. No one buys the micro transactions though and it doesnā€™t have any influence on the actual games since theyā€™re not required at all.

  12. GamingRobioto

    The moment I stopped buying Ubisoft games was when they started selling materials in Assassin’s Creed Black Flag.

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