Taz the best cheerleader

Taz the best cheerleader


  1. “Respect the advatage”, He should say it o every pause, on Anubis they got way to aggro after getting one kill a couple of times ad got smoked.

  2. It’s so funny that someone tries to say something, probably about the game, and he just ignored it and kept going lmfao

  3. ChaoticFlameZz

    actual fraudulent coach, get rid of him ffs

  4. fuk_rdt_mods

    You can tell the players are sick of listening to his blabbering and pointless fistbumps

  5. bornarethefew

    It is actually worse than I imagined it would be, and I thought it would be bad

  6. I find it funny to think someone at Blast thought this would help his case, He is getting paid the big bucks for being a Glorified Cheerleader.

  7. Do people really not realise that they won’t show them saying anything tactical in these listen-ins?

  8. PsychologicalPea3583

    Dumb? Possibly? It works? it works.

  9. disco_enjoyer

    every single one of these listen-ins is completely and utterly worthless to the broadcast

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