
Making “solid” games isn’t enough when you have “gamers expecting extraordinary experiences,” Ubisoft CEO says after Star Wars Outlaws

Of course Ubisoft is blaming anyone but themselves…


  1. Roids-in-my-vains

    Never thought I’d say, but even EA games have more soul in them than Ubisoft games.

  2. What would Ubisoft know of making «solid» games?

  3. CaptainLookylou

    From what I heard the game was “cookie cutter” not solid. People don’t want assassins creed 9 star wars this time.

  4. because_iam_buttman

    I see the issue. He thinks that games like Space Marine 2 with no bullshit store and game breaking bugs are EXTRAORDINARY.

    The buggy boring shit they are making is ordinary for them so no wonder doing an acceptable job is extraordinary then.

  5. xavras_wyzryn

    What a bold statement coming from Ubisoft…

  6. echoess84

    people aren’t always expecting extraordinary experiences infact several times we played games who didn’t offered extraordinary experiences but they offered good experiences and that is enough . A game haven’t always to try to be innovative

  7. Now they blame players for the lack of success of their games, poor Ubisoft lol

  8. Except they priced it like it was an extraordinary experience so sucks to suck.

  9. **FULL QUOTE:**

    “*In today’s challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough. We must strive for excellence in all aspects of our work. This will enable the biggest entry in the [Assassin’s Creed] franchise to fully deliver on its ambition, notably by fulfilling the promise of our dual protagonist adventure with Naoe and Yasuke bringing two very different gameplay styles.*”

  10. neuroticmuffins

    The old DICE approach.

    Gamers: Battlefield 2042 is terrible. It didn’t even ship with a server browser or a scoreboard.

    #DICE: Gamers have unrealistic expectations.

  11. HugTheSoftFox

    If you call your games Quadruple A I expect Quadruple A standards. There’s lots of indie games I love but if ubisoft released those same games with an $80 price tag I would loathe them because YES I am holding games by different groups at different price points to different standards, amazingly.

  12. asiangontear

    Ubisoft CEO lingo:

    solid = cookie cutter by the numbers templated gameplay loop with 3 repeated minigames, activate tower to open part of the map then fight some dudes gameplay, with microtx, gamepass, preorder bundles and overpriced deluxe editions

    extraordinary = single payment games designed with player enjoyment in mind

  13. BitingArtist

    Their reputation for releasing unfinished games has caught up to them, and he’s making excuses.

  14. After 15 years of releasing most of your games with the same, copy and paste mechanics with very, VERY little evolution in gameplay, focus on monetization, stories flatter than my first crush, worlds and rpg elements as deep as a marvel movie.

    NPC’s dumber than a wheel of cheese, bugs everywhere.. and you blame the fucking players for the state of your company? THE FUCKING PLAYERS?

    Yeah, there are complete dumbfucks everywhere, but it’s not every company having your troubles, is it?

  15. Hunterwclf

    If they are not making extraordinary games, then stop pricing them like they all are.
    Fuckin AAA.

  16. OrangeYawn

    This stuff use to piss me off, but it’s like getting mad at an animal for killing or something.

    This is what they do, they are predators trying to keep getting more and more, they won’t stop.

    It’s you guys though. Your the problem. You see something shiny and need it right away, or you think something’s cool then “they’ll get my money no matter what” and your getting piles of shit handed to you. Why would they ever spend effort to make full games that work and are good when you buy shit.

  17. Ubisoft can’t even make a “solid game”, so the CEO is in no position to complain.

  18. The_Trollisms

    Star wars outlaws was not a solid game. It had every chance to become a success. All it really needed to have was fun and engaging gameplay. Ubisoft are quick to blame everyone but themselves for their continued mediocrity. Just make good games, cut the bullshit.

  19. Danteynero9

    Don’t sell solid games as extraordinary experiences.

  20. geologicalnoise

    Putting a name on a product doesn’t guarantee it’s going to be a good game. Just because it was a Star Wars game didn’t stop you guys from fucking it up, and pushing out insanely greedy versions to try and capitalize on it.

    Fuck Ubisoft and I’ll continue not buying any of your shit ass games.

  21. Mysterious-Jeff7363

    And this solid game is with us right now?

  22. “Making warm meals isn’t enough when people expect it to also taste good”

    They really complain minimum effort is not enough.

  23. Jimbo_Jigs

    We expect solid good games, Ubisoft should try making one of those first.

  24. justrichie

    This is the same mf that called Skull & Bones a AAAA game. He has no clue of what makes a solid game.

  25. Version_Sensitive

    Remember the early 2000 when everyone started doing open world games but 90% os them were poor in graphics, story, mechanics, tons of bugs and terrible voice acting , and while back then it was all we had , but we forgot about those in less than five years?

    Outlaws is one of those.

  26. maharajuu

    “Is it me who’s out of touch? No, it’s the players that are wrong”

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