4090 at 50 fps in Battlefield 2042 ???


I given up, I spend over 7h to find out what is wrong, high usage of GPU not really doing much or in game low fps
Reinstalled Windows, reset bios, now I see in Window mode 110 fps… could be this full screen optimization?


  1. master-overclocker

    Check connector ? 97% usage but only 216W drawn ?

  2. razor_cristian_zex

    In the menu I have 60 fps and GPU 97% What the …

  3. Lightbulbie

    Are you 100% certain it’s a 4090 and it’s not being manually power limited somehow?

  4. How many different plugs do you have in the GPU?! You sure your PSU can handle this card?

  5. razor_cristian_zex

    I done a heaven benchmark vs a video – same settings just a quarter fps…what….the

  6. Snakekilla54

    It’s weird, I have an i7-14700f and a 4060ti 8Gb, I’m playing on ultra settings and i get at max 140 fps and it only dips when there is heavy foliage on certain maps or too many explosions

  7. astrobarn

    Probably a config setting somewhere. Too many possibilities, windows power settings, NVIDIA control panel settings etc

  8. HotDogAllDay

    download a GPU overclocking software and make sure it is not underclocked or the power limits set low for some reason. download GPUZ and look at the perfcap limit reason. It will tell you what is stopping the GPU from boosting higher (power, voltage, temps or lack of load). you can also use that to look at the hot spot temp. If the hot spot temp is hitting 105c, you are thermal throttling. also, the perfcap reason will be pink, which is thermal.

  9. Prudent-Economics794

    Maybe reinstall windows if nothing else works

  10. What CPU? BF2042 is incredibly CPU intensive, so a CPU bottleneck could be a possibility.

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