Cyberpunk 2077

If cyberware was real what would you get done?

If cyberware was real what would you get done?


  1. RedXIII1888

    To answer this again. Eye optics since my left eye is fucked. Mantis blades cause they cool as fuck.

  2. Jzapp_But_In_Reddit

    Probably some injector thing for ADHD meds, not that i severely need them but surely would come in handy

    Also, mantis blades and double jump legs with subdermal armor

    Edit: and maybe a cyberdeck, I’ve always wanted to control my devices with my mind like superpowers lol

  3. Eyes and eye musculature removed and replaced in the hopes it prevents my migraine attacks… Immediately if I can afford it…

  4. Objective_Maybe3552

    That all depends on if we’re susceptible to Cyberpsychosis

  5. My_Hobbies7481

    All the ones my V has in game, double jump legs, the face changer plate, electrifying Mantis Blades, Keroshi Optics etc.

    But the main one I’d want is the Militech Canto Mk6, but without the malware killing me lol

  6. GuyFawkesCat

    Boosted metabolism. Eat what I want and stay at an exact specified body fat percentage!

  7. Ze_cringeman

    Everything, fully borged out ogre, cyberphychosis here I come

  8. dukerustfield

    Cyberware is anime logic, but you’re asking a real world question. Most of this stuff would rip us apart if it was installed. I remember the shows 6 million dollar man, and bionic woman.

    Which kind of feedback loop inspires cyberware.

    But any “bionic” cyberware has to connect to regular old bones and musculature. If you could super leap, it’s not just your shins and thighs that need replacing. It’s spine, arms, shoulders, pelvis, and some serious padding for your brains and organs. You’d die on one jump. Or suffer traumatic brain injury.

    Gorilla arms would rip off at the shoulders. Sure they can lift 1,000 pounds. But the rest of your body can’t. Your ankles would snap like twigs.

    So when this stuff gets real life. Maybe only eyes could work without turning you into a pile of goo. But some of the eye shit is amazing. Like augmented reality x10. But obviously not as impressive as some hardened steel skeleton (which the rest of our muscles would be unable to move).

  9. YamahaNoobie

    Kiroshis (maybe with Night Vision if I can)
    Gorilla Arms
    Double Jump
    Second Heart
    Subdermal Armour
    And a fuckton more. Kit myself out entirely

  10. meggarox

    full body conversion to female, no question

    anything else would be a bonus

  11. CyberLucas100

    Easy, no-brainer question for me!

    Obviously kiroshis + cyberdeck OS in the brain. Become a living, walking computer with internet access and ability to control and access almost any piece of tech with my eyes and mind.

    Plus, my eyes would be perfect and my vision would be even better than the average normal, with ability to zoom, record, print, scan things… It’d be fun!

  12. No-Paramedic7860

    Optics, whatever gives them holo-call capabilities, gorilla arms, a Raven cyberdeck, and reinforced tendons.

  13. WrapThat5973

    None, I would be with the monks on this one, Unless you are a genius netrunner there is always the risk of somebody harming you though your implants or just being hacked.

  14. Faceless_Deviant

    Probably some optics. Pain editor. Something for the circulatory system, maybe second heart.

  15. astarinthenight

    From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal.

  16. Hoovermane

    I would get a cyberpancreas for my diabetes. Otherwise nothing, I would hate the feeling of metal being in/under my skin.

  17. Realistically I’d wanna keep it minimal because maintaining all cyberware in your body has to be unbelievably expensive over time, but the phone implant and bionic joints would be nice to have.

  18. Big_Satisfaction9919

    A giant cock!  *ahem* I mean sandy.. 

  19. Mary_Ellen_Katz

    Mr studd and Mightnight Lady- cause WHY NOT

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