
It sure seems like the times have changed…

It sure seems like the times have changed…


  1. TheNeck94

    there’s always been a mix between the two.

  2. MAGASucksAss

    Gettin’ a bit tired of this low-effort meme stuff.

  3. naterzgreen

    Online gaming has been toxic for as long as I can remember

  4. Falsaftak

    Overwatch screwed up massively. It should be studied

  5. Nincompoop6969

    Idk wtf the person on the bottom said 

  6. Intelligent-Library7

    I would like ow1 back. 6v6 was more fun imo.

  7. SmokedaJ

    Is this implying people were nice in s1 ow lol?

  8. Ky1arStern

    Congrats on finally getting new glasses! For your next set, maybe use clear lenses instead of of rose tinted ones. 

    Online gaming has been like this for *at least* the last 20 years. If anything it’s better because people have found it easier to just bitch about the game instead of taking a shot in the dark at which racial slur will actually apply to you. 

    Source: white guy in his 30’s who was called the N word in Halo 2 a shocking amount.

  9. SilverFlight01

    Online Multiplayer’s never really been NOT toxic.

  10. Forevernotalonee

    Lol the top one has always been the minority

  11. IronBrew16

    Yeah back then I only was uneasy around Blizzard. Now I have ammo for why, the breast milk stealing sexually assaulting utterly brain damaged fucks.

  12. No-Custard-9029

    bro overwatch was never a good community lmao

  13. JusaPikachu

    I do feel like there is an uptick in toxicity in every multiplayer games after a few years…

    However idk what fucking game y’all were playing in 2016 that so love filled but it sure as shit wasn’t the same Overwatch I was playing lol.

  14. SummoningRaziel

    I miss the original Overwatch 6v6 so much.

  15. Qwazzbre

    This is why I heavily prefer co-op games over PvP ones.

    Granted, even co-op games can and do have toxic assholes in them.

  16. I’ve played during Overwatch I beta

    it already was the bottom one

  17. i swear people complaining about toxicity are mostly self reporting. obviously there are outliers but for the most part a games toxicity can and will be affected by your own behavior.

    even playing games like lol or dota2, as long as you communicate with your team, apologize for mistakes, cheer on teammates when they do well or not and there will be a lot less toxicity in your game

  18. TheGiftOf_Jericho

    When was OW ever wholesome?

    I mean, it’s gotten absolutely worse in OW2, undoubtedly, but it was always fairly toxic.

  19. peterosity

    i’m old. what does no tank team diff mean

  20. huff1122

    Online gaming has always been toxic. My first experience as a kid playing online was in dead or alive. Someone picked Zack and said ” look everyone I’m the (n-word)”. Classy people everywhere

  21. Skelegasm

    Delusional honestly, overwatch in particular has been a gutter since release. Just how shooters work

  22. I’ve played cod in three different eras in my life, OG MW2, black ops 2, and New MW3, other than there being more women open to using voice chat, the classic shit talking, excess racism, and incoherent screaming hasn’t changed a bit, online gaming will always be an outlet for toxicity, it’s a human thing it seems

  23. Dazzling-Grass-2595

    Literally the first thing I typed on the same day of release ironically. Gg ez.

  24. Saber153

    One of the reasons I just don’t play many pvp games anymore, I understand it’s a competition but it should still be fun.

    Miss Overwatch launch day when most people were just fucking around and doing stupid team comps for fun and no one got furious because of who you were playing.

  25. durklurk80

    You probably just switched off that filter that changes words into other words. So “gg ez” would automatically translate to something more “coherent” and nicer. Exactly like you posted.

    So that’s probably the biggest change, people are still as toxic as ever.

  26. SF-Samara

    Ain’t a single god damn rizzler playing OW; It died with us.

  27. ndisario95

    I miss overwatch. It’s such a shame it doesn’t exist anymore and there never was a sequel.

  28. Manjorno316

    I haven’t played Overwatch since the year it first released but I’d say that the 2nd pic mostly describes my experience with it back then.

  29. Catspirit123

    It’s always been like the second one lol

  30. sandwichmonger32

    OW1 was way more toxic. On the account of people actually communicating. Now in OW2 it feels like I play with bots constantly. No com’s or chat at all

  31. darknetwork

    Well during beta launch everyone was just enjoying the game(except that dude who complained about tracer’s ass). As soon as they add competitive rank, it will become toxic.

  32. BEWMarth

    That top image is doing some heavy revisioning!

    I was there for the very start of OW1. It was pretty much ALWAYS the bottom image.

  33. GrandeDick

    Bullshit, online gaming has always been full of banter and shittalking. Fuck off.

  34. Howdydoodledandy

    No, they haven’t lol. It’s EXACTLY the same, like EXACTLY.

  35. The problem with gaming now is the people who make multi-player games don’t allow the moment for shit talking between teams before the match start like they used to; so what does that cause? Players not having an avenue to go off on the enemy only leaving the option to go off on your teammates for their mistakes. Somehow, people think that’s a smart thing to do, but it only made your team worse
    now and had no mental effect on the opposing side.

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