Call of Duty: Zombies

Crossbow on his back…

What was going through their heads when they thought that it would look cool that have a permanent fixed crossbow on his back while also having him using another crossbow to kill things with in the trailer… I wish they wouldn't do that with operators, because a lot of them are actually ruined because they put a weapon on their back that's fixed and can't be taken off so if I wanted to use a crossbow with the Daryl operator I'm going to have to deal with having a crossbow on my back as well.. I don't know it's just a pretty dumb thing to me and I don't know why they do this. Hopefully it's just an oversight but I really don't think it is.


  1. Bubbly_Sky_1753

    Maybe don’t care so deeply about a paid cosmetic in a video game. You are the reason gaming has become a corrupt gov system meant to take our money you fucking dumbass

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