Cyberpunk 2077

Shoutout to the 13 other people who play as Male V

Shoutout to the 13 other people who play as Male V


  1. adrian_shade

    Lol I wouldn’t even consider playing as female V. This way i can relate more to the character.

  2. CMS_3110

    Given how many people are Panam stans in here, I’d guess that it’s way more than 13.

    I haven’t seen any actual player statistics, but I’d assume this game is closer to 50/50 than any other game where players have a choice, because Male V can get Panam and Female V can get Judy. Pretty high incentive to play through both ways.

  3. MaleHumanFighter

    Back in 2021, CDPR had released data on how players played the game. One of these numbers was that roughly two thirds of players had chosen Panam as romance option. Either it was two thirds of Male V players (which I find unlikely), or it was two thirds of all players.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a 1:1 thing, with the half that plays mostly/only Fem V being particularly loud and/or the half that plays mostly/only Male V being particularly quiet.

    In the end, posts that show off a Fem V with an “enhanced” body (mods or not) or just straight up skimpy clothing make a lot more noise than your average Male V, where I assume that Male V players are likelier to make a V that looks like them than anything else.

  4. LilDusty420

    I’ve played female V once and compared to male V, the voice acting is superior. Male V says shit weird.

  5. SeeYouOnBlackreef

    My first (aborted) playthrough in 2020 on Xbox One was Nomad Vincent.

    When I came back to the game at the beginning of this year on PS5, I started with Nomad Valerie, then did Corpo Valerie, then decided to go back to Vincent for Streetkid. I think with that bahston voice, it fits pretty well.


    In all honesty I think male V has more players but female V is spoken about in the community more etc same with mass effect fem shep was all people talked about but when bioware released the statistics male shep was played more I think it’s the same here

  7. LostSoulNo1981

    My first play through was with male V. Nomad.

    Second play through(still in progress) is female V. Corpo.

    Third will probably be male V again, but this time street rat.

  8. This looks like a
    „Yup that’s me, you’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation”

  9. Male V has a much bigger playerbase according to the CDPR stats

  10. moogoothegreat

    I like both vs… my Nomad playthrough just fits well with male V.

  11. MouflonWhisperer

    Could we stop with this low effort karma farming repost shit please? This is not the sub for that

  12. biscuitboots

    Nah Male V all the way (yes Panam)

    Would prob try to start a female V run with Judy

  13. SkeleHoes

    I wonder who would be the most popular girl if there wasn’t sexuality limitations in the game. For example if a straight guy could romance Judy, would she be more popular than Panam? I can see that easily being the case.

  14. OhHaiMarc

    I think female V is just discussed and posted about more on this subreddit. I always play male V but never talk about it or share pictures of him

  15. Best-Understanding62

    Most of my playthroughs were with female builds purely cause the voice actor for female v is so much better. Male v is less aggressive when angry and oversells the sad/emotional dialogue.

  16. Quercia92

    wow is it possible to play as male V? didn’t know…..XD

  17. HoldMyNaan

    I like to live vicariously through my characters, so I exclusively play male characters. I name them my name and I make them look like me. Never in my 29 years of life have I played as a woman. Maybe I lack imagination.

  18. Lightyear18

    Wait people didn’t play as male V as much as female V?

    I played as female V lol.

  19. Y’all male because of panam? I’m just male because of the vibes

  20. Anti-Man001

    That title had me crying with laughter 🤣

    I am a male and I alternate between play throughs. Played Male Nomad V now on Female Street Kid V. Really frustrated that I ended up discovering all the bugs (cyberware capacity especially) in my male playthrough which ended not long after level 60 when I realised how much cyberware capacity I was missing. My female V playthrough is 250 hours old and I miss playing my male V! 😂

    my female V is off to meet Hanako at Embers so I’ll be back to a male V soon 😅

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