
It’s crazy to see that you can now play World of Warcraft in handheld.

It’s crazy to see that you can now play World of Warcraft in handheld.


  1. But how would you play anything more complex than Beast Master?

    Okay, you’re playing Affliction Warlock, I see. How do access all the skills apart from the main rotation?

  2. Artificiald

    FFXIV has been doing this for a long time, the game also plays and runs better on the steamdeck.

  3. backwardsprose

    Why does the SD look so tiny in this lool

  4. Beginningenz

    You could do this with a phone and steamlink too


    I don’t really care to be honest.

  6. Papaofmonsters

    How are you supposed to ask about Mankrik’s wife without a keyboard?

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