
Fans of Dragon Age: The Veilguard disappointed to find out that only three choices from the previous game carry over to the Veilguard, making it a soft reboot

Fans of Dragon Age: The Veilguard disappointed to find out that only three choices from the previous game carry over to the Veilguard, making it a soft reboot


  1. Acer1899

    thats probably the least disappointing thing for most fans

  2. GraeWraith

    I always enjoy the lengthy corporate explanations for why they did the lazy thing we all expected them to do.

  3. clothanger

    if i ever learn anything, it’s that the title is always baiting, and it’s never the “fans”.

    gaming journalists are the most pathetic beings wanting the tiniest bit of hate to fabricate their story lol.

  4. This is such a weird way for them to phrase it.

    We don’t want to contradict any of your choices, or reference them.


    We won’t talk about them. Despite them being huge changes.

  5. Boshikuro

    I did not expect a game released 10 years after the previous title to take my old choices into consideration as well. Let them tell their new stories without being burden by dozens of old choices. I’m curious to see how this game stand on it’s own.

  6. Longjumping-Tale-352

    I mean the longer a game series where you’ve to make choices goes on the harder it is to keep trying to change the variables from them going forward. At some point you do only have to decide which are the important ones from the wider world

  7. WhiteRun

    The last game is 10 years old. I honestly have no idea if I even have a safe file anymore.

  8. Terakahn

    I’m surprised any choices matter in this one. I thought it was a whole new thing.

  9. it’s mind boggling they are still just lazy unimaginative fucks after how amazing DA:O was and how they now have to compete with BG3.

    I don’t get how this series has only gotten worse than it’s what 20 year old counterpart at this point? It’s an RPG series where nothing you do matters, you’re locked into roles with limited customization, and it somehow looks about the same or worse than DA:O?

    Is the property just used for money laundering or something?

  10. Hotspur000

    To be fair, many of the choices that are stored in The Keep from our previous playthroughs really don’t matter too much … a lot of them just involve certain NPCs from sidequests.

    Plus, VG is, what, 20 years (30?) after Origins … most of those choices realistically wouldn’t still matter.

    I honestly thought that VG would have absolutely nothing to do with the previous games aside from the Solas stuff, so anything they let us put in there I’m happy about.

  11. idk if im the odd one out but i personally dont really give a shit. having to continue a decade old story would probably be very difficult aswell.

    i just hope the stuff they do write is actually good.

    There were so many grand speaches in inquisition that sounded like they were written by an 8th grader… i just want them to make something good. i dont really care if they leave the older games in the past. sure, would have been cool.. but cool wont save a bad story.

  12. agorathird

    I don’t mind this. The game is old and I’m a little sad about how the last game ended 🙁 I’m a bit of a sucker for happy endings.

  13. DatFenrisTho

    Most of the choices from the previous games wouldn’t really even matter in the regions this one is set in anyways, and the majority of them would likely just be a throwaway line of dialogue here and there or a codex entry. It really isn’t that big of a deal, but unfortunately that’s not gonna stop people from making baity posts like this since hating Veilguard is the cool thing right now.

  14. Devolution1x

    I’m calling it now. The choices are as follows:

    1. Did the Warden sire Morgan’s baby or did Alistair.

    2. Did Hawke side with the mages or the templar’s?

    3. Did Hawke die in the veil, Alistair die in the veil, or Logharn die in the veil.

  15. Euklidis

    So I assume they mean fans of Dragon Age the franchise cause DA:V hasnt come out yet.

  16. Aggrokid

    It’s disappointing but expected. With game dev in the HD era taking insanely long, accounting for the permutations of decisions across a series will take an eternity for the developers.

  17. NotSureWhyAngry

    Despite reading these negative headlines it seems like the game will actually be really good – at least according to people who already played it

  18. Valdrrak

    Wow after they had that cool system where you could import your choices and back it up and shit, such disappointment

  19. Corvo_Attano-

    I’m probably in the minority here but I kinda don’t care…i just want a good story now if my previous choices factor in somehow great, if they don’t oh well no biggie as long as it’s a good story

  20. GodBlessPigs

    I truly don’t care about this game mechanic.

  21. FobbitOutsideTheWire

    * Little to no impact of personal choices
    * No tactical combat, all real-time action now

    Yeah… no. They’re basically killing some of my favorite aspects of the first two.

  22. Tiamore97

    All I really cared about is gay romance in my RPG. Really getting lesser nowadays. Only BG3 is the most recent one in years. And it seems like AC also stops doing that after Valhalla which is such a shame.

  23. Niklaus15

    I want this game to succeed, there’s a couple of thinks a really like but the rest just look plain bad, sadly i think this is going to be a major letdown and probably the end for BioWare 

  24. Oh the writing must be good if they couldn’t fking pick a single canon storyline. It’s gonna be another “i can write it better” disaster.

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