Steam has removed Forced Arbitration from their Subscriber Agreement

Steam has removed Forced Arbitration from their Subscriber Agreement


  1. MisterTruth

    I just got the email and did a double take. Either Valve is super duper in trouble to the point where they can’t afford arbitration or a company did something crazy and changed their terms to be more pro consumer.

  2. katiecharm

    I wonder if this has something to do with the ongoing Steam subscriber lawsuit.  

    I signed up with some random company like two years ago who said I may be owed 60% of what I’ve spent on Steam (a small fortune) and they want me to be part of their class action so I said, sure.  And every month or so I get a case update from them.  

  3. TallgeeseIV

    Could be related to the total PR shitstorm Disney recently got themselves into by trying to invoke the forced arbitration agreement clause of Disney+ in a wrongful death case at a restaurant on their land.

    People were not happy, Steam might just be reading the room on clauses like this one.

  4. Smith6612

    Hopefully this is a motion of good, and not something VALVe is having to do as a result of lawsuits. A lot of companies have been abusing their arbitration clauses lately, and I suppose the removal of it is a bit refreshing.

  5. Bushpylot

    It’s all forced anyway. Like we have any choice in any of these “agreements”. They should all be void because they are all signed under duress.

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