
I hate that this is normal now

For context, the PS5 Pro 30th anniversary edition went on sale TODAY for an insane $999.99 and it’s already sold out. Come to check eBay and this is every listing for this model of the PS5 on there. It’s ridiculous how unfair it is now that the average consumer can neither afford let alone even get the OPPORTUNITY to purchase the damn thing.


  1. Destithen

    This kind of shit should be made illegal. It’s infuriating.

  2. Bungletastic

    I don’t know what’s worse; those prices or the fact people actually spent $3k+ on a console..

  3. Ranerdar

    “they’re just providing a service…blah blah…a solution for those who can’t one” Yeah. A solution to a problem they’re causing.

  4. Marcysdad

    First everybody said that the upgrade wasn’t worth it at the suggested retail price, then everybody tried to buy one, now they’re pissed they didn’t get one.

    I love the community

  5. DutchProv

    Anyone who would have paid the base selling price of 999 is a fool in my book.

  6. icekeuter

    You can report the offers to ebay and they will be deleted – the offers fall under usury, which violates ebay’s guidelines.

  7. SweetDreamcast

    I kind of wanted the controller, but not enough to jump through these ridiculous pre-order event hoops. The artificial scarcity gimmick looks fucking bad on them.

  8. It’s crazy that Sony made so few of these that it was created for this reason only and not to celebrate with its customers. It is a really disgusting.

  9. PembrokePercy

    I just wanted the Dualsense but couldn’t get away from work in time. Now they want $150+. Guess I’ll just not get one then. Super smart of Sony to not just produce as many as the market would buy.

  10. I’m sure there are a bunch of influencer buyers who treat this as a cost of doing business. If they can get x amount of views and followers out of it, then it’s a justifiable business expense.

  11. snorlaxatives_69

    LOL I remember 10 years ago seeing the 20th anniversary consoles on EBay for $20k

  12. Schizobaby

    If PlayStation wanted to stop this from happening they could have. They chose not to. Look at how
    Valve rolled out the Steam Deck.

  13. JulPollitt

    If it makes you guys feel any better a huge chunk of these sold listing are the scalpers buying it themselves with alt accounts to give the impression that someone is dumb enough to buy it, it’s a very common tactic. List something at $4000, pretend it got sold, relist for $3000 and some dumbass will think they’re getting a great deal.

  14. SilkyBowner

    I hate that people pay these prices

    I hate that people complain about the cost of the Pro, shit on Sony and promptly wait in line to preorder.

    No one has any self control and that’s why everything will continue to increase in price for no reason.

  15. Paddlesons

    If they have a shot about the customers all they would need to do is offer one per qualifying PSN account. Instead it’s just a feast for bots and scalpers.

  16. NOBODY IS ACTUALLY PAYING THAT PRICE! They are fake purchases to inflate market value, and people reverse scamming with INAD cases.

  17. Puzzleheaded-Bus5479

    Infuriating, I was in the queue and trying to click broken buttons all morning and these fucks send an army of bots and quadruple their money.

    I blame Sony for making them limited and not implementing any real form of multi-purchase/bot protection. They should have just done an open pre-order for a week and made as many as people wanted, there is no upside to this sales model.

  18. carnyzzle

    Just get a PC and put a PS1 skin on it, you’ll probably save money too lol

  19. Fun-Bag7627

    This wouldn’t happen if people didn’t buy it

  20. Luis12285

    I mean. I don’t blame them. I wanted to win one to pay off some of my wife’s school debt.

  21. theGORE33

    Blame the youtubers and tiktok creators that pay it to make a fucking video. Idiots

  22. Iron_Chic

    The worst part is that Sony/Microsoft could easily make sure the new consoles make it into the hands of their actual players by making them only available to order through your gamertag. Long time gamertag owners whose profiles show a good amount of playtime get first dibs at one console only.

    It would be a good way to move the consoles AND take care of the long-time gamers who have spent a good amount of time with your product.

    I don’t think Sony nor Microsoft like to know that their systems are being bought up by assholes and resold at exorbitant prices.

  23. Fair_Advance_6352

    Where are all those people that have been screaming for the last couple weeks “saying no one will buy these, scalpers can have them”?


    People buying it is the real problem. Don’t pay and let the scalpers get fucked.

  25. The market will be correcting this very quickly.

  26. 1ndomitablespirit

    Why do they let this go on? Because the only people complaining are folks who can’t afford it, and we don’t matter.

  27. MikeDubbz

    Scalpers have been doing this with game consoles since at least the Wii. Not really anything new at this point. Annoying as fuck all the same. 

  28. No-Rush1995

    This is why I just ignore limited run products. I will never be able to out arms race the scalpers when it comes to bots so I’ll effectively never be able to buy these things so they might as well not even exist.

  29. Valhallapeenyo

    This piece of shit isn’t even worth it at retail. Wild that people would pay this.

  30. Moregaze

    If I ever ran a company on this level everything would be manufactured to order. So sales would go up and everytime we hit a production run amount it would be fulfilled plus a percentage for inventory for when things slow down to where you cant hit a full run that makes sense.

    Especially for something as stupid as this where all you do is change the plastic pellets going into the mold injector.

  31. If you’re buying a PS5 for $4000 you’re an idiot with no control.

  32. Mattm519

    I’m interested in the anniversary console but I don’t think it’ll happen. Certainly not for anything approaching those prices

  33. Monotonegent

    There’s no way people are going to spend that on a fancy Pro when they won’t spend MSRP on a more traditional Pro. Everything will correct itself over time

  34. ilikebread2937374736

    We might as well Abandon All console gaming and just go to PC at this point this s*** will not stop

  35. setentaydos

    Why don’t more companies follow the Apple model to manufacture based on pre-order demand? Valve also is a great example, they handled the special edition of the Steam Deck in a great way, to the point that scalpers were canceling their reservations when they found out Valve was going to manufacture on demand. The solution is there, and it even leads the companies to bigger profits.
    What am I missing?

  36. Severe-War4599

    I’m scare for the next generation prices will be like 1300$ Sony wants phone’s prices

  37. Eastern-Bluejay-8912

    This is why you don’t make limited editions. You made actual themes like how they did the chrome stuff. 🙄 Hate that PlayStation has yet to learn their lesson.

  38. josh_is_lame

    you realize price gouging has been a thing for like

    basically all of human history post farming becoming a thing, right?

    like this isnt new

    im not saying its not bad, but its annoying when people go “i hate how blank this is so normalized now” as if blank thing hasnt been around for forever because, last i checked, humans havent exactly evolved much in the last few hundred thousand years, and humans are gonna human

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