Cyberpunk 2077

Netwatch is concerned with the growing amount of AI posts in this subreddit, should they be banished to beyond the Blackwall or allowed?

Netwatch is concerned with the growing amount of AI posts in this subreddit, should they be banished to beyond the Blackwall or allowed?


  1. Ban them so hard people mistake this for a Dune subreddit.

  2. meggarox

    The AI aren’t evil! The people abusing them are! Banish the humans who abuse AI to beyond the blackwall!!

  3. Understated_Negative

    What posts have been AI? I’ve been scrolling through sorting by hot and haven’t see one I er the past few days.

  4. Easy ban. I’ve already left a few places because of AI crap.

  5. electric-melon

    AI this side of the Blackwall? Why do I even pay taxes. 😡

  6. Has there actually been that much AI content on this sub? I’ve seen exactly 2 AI art posts in the last few years and they all involved people in the comments bullying OP until they took them down.

    I’d get the ban if the entire sub was AI post spam but it’s pointless right now. Plus, it’s practically banned already by virtue of inviting harassment and hostile DMs if you actually try it.

  7. Bad_User2077

    Ban them. Unless they look like Alt Cunningham. She sexy AF.

  8. goatgal_

    banish them!!! suffer the abominable intelligence no longer!!!

  9. Require bot posters/commenters to identify themselves as AI

  10. Dextrofunk

    I’m all for banning AI anything at this point. It was exciting at first, but of course people made it annoying.

  11. dayton-ode

    If people wanted an AI to respond, they’d go to an AI. Get rid of them.

  12. anarchyguru

    We’ve seen what rouge AI can do. It must stay behind Blackwall.

  13. combustibledaredevil

    I normally go with the Voodoo Boys since they look cool as fuck but I’m on the net runners side this one

  14. HyperSushee

    That’s an easy ban tbh. It’s low effort, tends to get repetitive and doesn’t actually do anything else other than get engagement

  15. AlChiberto

    I thought NetWatch doesn’t “banished” people but flatline them? Are you those scammers that keep trying to get me to buy pills for sexual purposes?

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