Cyberpunk 2077

What’s your biggest ‘want’ purchase of the year?

No ragrets


  1. Thamightyboro78


    Was a Logitech G cloud which I got on Monday only time I’ve really spent anything on myself this year aside a The Crow tattoo for Father’s Day (original not the remake obviously.

  2. XR3TroBeanieX

    That is beautiful. That looks super heavy

  3. gerguti07

    Where can I get mine


  4. ThatOnePorscheGuy

    Where did you get this from this is sick as hell

  5. Riker1701NCC

    I went all in for the Cyberpunk Boardgame

    Absolutely this right now.

  6. Dexter_White94

    I saw they had a Skippy gel blaster on the cdpr site I hope they do Johnny’s Malorian.

  7. i_drink_bromine

    I love having a 3d printer i can just make anything i want lmao im printing this next

  8. Enrique-Pastor

    I’m patiently waiting for Fender or Ibanez to make a replica of Johnnys guitar that actually plays well/stays in tune haha

  9. Boywife_2003

    I wanted to buy one of these. Looked at the price tag, went HELL NAW. Might invest in some tools and make myself one, although the machining is gonna have to be spaced out since i live in an apartment.

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