I feel really bad for Global

I feel really bad for Global


  1. Leap-Day-0229

    I wonder who is blocking it, activision or tencent?

  2. Newvil450

    Fk man they’re really penalising people on the global server .

  3. AllTesticles

    Of course they’ll conveniently be able to bring the draws to global lmao

  4. sirensfromyoureyes

    This means no RYBG camo, damn cod I was soo excited only to come to know that I won’t get to play that mode.
    This is just sad, I hate being in global.

  5. Storomahu

    Lmao the Draws to make money will be available, but not the event. This is insane. They can’t keep getting away with this man. At least make the draws on Global cheaper or something, this is just insanely unfair. Fuck Activision.

  6. Tanzanite7W

    Can I play Garena with a account I create in the Codm Global ?

  7. Are you actually serious? So no camo as well? next season went from a super exciting content packed month to a boring filler season. Absolute garbage

  8. NekoPrima

    At this point I really hope that nobody puts more money into this game. They refuse to give us a already finished pc version, which is already successful in CN, they refuse to give us Collab skins, they refuse to actually overhaul the ranked system or give us any new exclusive codm content or simply give us the new Modes.
    It’s still not understandable for me how ppl can still put money into this game

  9. Waltzforzizi00


  10. DesParado115

    FUCK!! Why can’t we have nice things?

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