Call of Duty: Zombies

My game looks like I’m permanently in an Outlast. Never seen that before?

it's kinda cool tho


  1. Dorthyeasygoing

    That’s next-level horror mode right there!

  2. SniperSinonGGO

    If only the game played like this. A nighttime mode would do wonders in my opinion.

  3. certified-battyman

    I’m not seeing a night vision camera or crazy patients/cultists! This doesn’t look like Outlast!

  4. ZeMiii14

    if the game looked like this 24/7 I feel people would appreciate it more

  5. Wait is this a screenshot of the new Zombies? It’s unrecognizable.

    The HUD is nice, small, efficient. I don’t care for the location of the perks. Why is there armor? Why is the points counter so small? And there of all places?

    Your gun is the most cursed Sturmgewehr i’ve ever laid eyes on

  6. drewtriks

    Jimmy Zielinski punched a hole in his wall, reading these comments.

  7. OMG_a_Ray_Gun

    That sucks. I used to get this glitch in outbreak all the time.

  8. ikthenin

    This is a good atmosphere, I’d play more if it looked like this or at least darker and not in moderate daylight

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