Call of Duty: Zombies

Wonder Weapon Concept | KT-5

▪︎ Story:

Following 'Operation Stapler,' Division 9 continued to develop chemical weapons under Broken Arrow's supervision — thus the creation of the 'KT-5.'

The KT-5 improved upon its predecessor (KT-4) in almost every way — having prolonged effects, no longer producing cysts, and having a simpler streamlined design, etc..

On November 2nd, 2025, Broken Arrow instructed all personnel to burn any evidence of their involvement in the outbreak — including the KT-5.

On October 22nd, 2035, ‘Victis’ use salvaged KT-5 parts to build the 'Sliquifier.'

▪︎ Gameplay:

The KT-5 has three different AATs (Alternate Ammo Types); those being X, Y, and Z.

▪︎ AAT codename 'X' functions identically to the 'Sliquifier.'
▪︎ AAT codename 'Y' functions as a bonding agent. The 'sludge' can hold up to five zombies — enabling crowd control.
▪︎ AAT codename 'Z' causes brief in-fighting amongst nearby zombies — identically to 'Turned.'

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