To throw more fire into the Astralis controversy of them claiming br0 to be “unfit to play”, according to Richard Lewis, he has been trialing with ENCE at present despite the claims of Astralis saying he was ill.

To throw more fire into the Astralis controversy of them claiming br0 to be “unfit to play”, according to Richard Lewis, he has been trialing with ENCE at present despite the claims of Astralis saying he was ill.


  1. MaverickAstley

    Can you imagine the bangers that are going to fly on that Espoo desk if this goes through in the next fortnight?

  2. ApothecaryRx

    I mean yes, at this point it’s very clear Astralis lied and Blast is willing to turn a blind eye to it for one reason or another.

    There’s not much else to be done besides not supporting Blast or Astralis (don’t buy merch, don’t attend events, don’t watch broadcasts, etc), but that’s unrealistic to garner enough support to actually hurt either organization.

    Really, it’s gonna be up to the teams to decide how far they want to take this, as they’re in the best position to stick it to Blast and prevent this from happening in the future.

  3. brickz14

    As an ENCE fan, br0 joining the team sounds great. Seems like a much better employer too.

  4. WoodchxcK

    Danish company turns a blind eye and bends rules for Danish org colour me SHOCKED.

  5. Or maybe Bro has specifically stated that he does not wish to compete with Astralis, given their treatment of him.
    Many people call in sick from work when they’ve been fired aswell, despite them not actually being sick. Just a thought.

    Otherwise I cannot simply imagine why he would not just make a statement clarifying that he is not actually unwell.

  6. yep_gentil

    To be fair, as far as I’m aware, the main symptom of br0vid is being sick of Astralis

  7. LibertyGrabarz

    Damn, first br0’s agent says he’s not sick, then RLewis says he’s at the very least well enough to be tested by another org for potential pickup? One would think you’d want to be on your A game during trials, no?

    But whatever, blast said there’s no reason to think astralis might have lied

  8. uninformed-but-smart

    Astralis is such a shitty scummy org I can’t believe I ever liked them.

  9. NationalAlgae421

    I just hope he goes nuclear in new team, dude have the potential

  10. akiroraiden

    meanwhile astralis org is making up more and more lies just because they cant admit the truth.

    newest one is that the company isnt allowed to talk about private health issues of workers.. no shit sherlock, especially when you made it up

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