*TECH HELP NEEDED* Network Lag Issues…. Explanation and question below.

*TECH HELP NEEDED* Network Lag Issues…. Explanation and question below.

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  1. Air_Didier

    This is a cry for help if anyone knows of solutions for a network problem I have been having. Over 30% of my games I lag out randomly and have to restart PUBG. I am at college on my school’s internet which is NAT Type Moderate. I have tried wifi and ethernet. I think I am lagging out because of the restricted NAT type or UPNP disabled. There is nothing my school can do to change them. PUBG servers are the only servers I have issues with. I even restart PUBG before each game.I have factory reset my Xbox and cleared its cache to no avail. If it’s not obvious at this point this is the main reason I have not been as active streaming and posting. I’m keeping my head up with hope but unsure what else I can do.

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