Call of Duty: Zombies

“No way you’re this delusional to believe BO6 zombies will be great…”

“No way you’re this delusional to believe BO6 zombies will be great…”


  1. SentientGopro115935

    “Uhhh the modern Zombies story is boring” Incorrect, try again

    I feel like alot of people had the wrong idea of what the story was about. I’m sorry but Nik, Tak n Tank were 3 random dudes. They had their own stories and arcs, but they literally could’ve been anyone else and nothing would be different. This story has always been about Edward and Samantha. And after so long, the story is finally returning to be about the conflict between them.

    In the end, everything ends up the same because that’s just what people do. The cycle never ended.

  2. quittin_Tarantino

    “Ah we must work quickly, there is so much to do. a vessel for maxis, the staffs the opening of the gateway”.

    “NEIN!! I’m getting confused, curse these 115 induced delusions!!”

  3. ruttu124

    Some of us just enjoy killing zombies despite the atmosphere or the hud 🙂

  4. Desperate_Group9854

    I swear to Argatha if Samantha isn’t the announcer and it’s just a generic voice I’ll be pissed.

  5. JackJake94

    This is in the liberty falls map but people are crying cause we only seen the beta version

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