[COD] Call of Duty 2: Big Red One PS2 (My personal experience with the game)

This is my personal experience with the story mode on PS2. Keep in mind that it differs from person to person and you shouldn’t compare yours with that of the others. Feel free to ask any questions in regard to my takes.

💟 (Phenomenal) ✅ (Very Good) ✴️ (Good)


– I thought that after COD 2 they will implement the same thing in this one, but no.
– Very annoying to search for health kits, makes you stray from your main objective.

– The tanks feel more like a LEGO than an actual tank.
– They don’t have weight. The previous games were much better on this aspect.


– Storytelling ✅
– Characters 💟
– Setting 💟
– Pacing ✅

– Controls 💟
– Mechanics 💟
– Exploration ✅
– Missions/Events ✅
– Difficulty ✴️

– Surround Sound 💟
– Sound Effects 💟
– Voice Acting 💟
– Dialogues 💟
– Music ✅

– Fidelity 💟
– Performance ✅
– Cutscenes 💟
– Textures 💟
– Effects 💟

– Flow ✅
– Enemy Variety 💟
– Weapon Variety 💟

– Atmosphere 💟
– Locations 💟
– Map Design 💟
– Landscapes 💟
– World Destruction 💟

Side Note:

Bronx was a good lad, shame what happened to him, or should I say Brooklyn! The little stories characters have about their sisters and brothers are awesome. Gives more depth as to what a life means on the battlefield.

Love the Italians speaking their language, I do speak Italian and it’s quite funny.

Landscapes are extremely beautiful. Flying the plane, riding the jeep, using the tank or just walking around in the beautiful desert sun, insanely good!

1 Comment

  1. cornfarm96

    The only thing I disagree with you on is your dislike for the health meter. I wish call of duty never switched to regenerating health for campaigns. When cod ww2 released in 2017, I was ecstatic that they had health packs and a health meter in campaign.

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