
Interesting find on my original FF7

My original PS Final Fantasy 7 has a kewl little misprint. On all 3 discs it says
"Final Fantasy and Square Soft are registered traemarks of Square Soft Co…


  1. Lightningisokay

    Hey that’s pretty cool! Thanks for sharing ^^

  2. As far as I can tell FF7 disk misprints are rare. You may have a really cool find here. (No expert tho)

  3. MicrosoftHarmManager

    this is on my cd too, its not that big of a deal

  4. Fordotsake

    It’s not a mistake, those are clearly traemarks we need to respect 🫡

  5. thevictor390

    Interesting, I did some quick research and found a ton of known print errors but not this one. Also found images of disks without this error. I would imagine this is cataloged somewhere.

  6. -haha-oh-wow-

    Well shit now I have to check out my copy later today

  7. firstrival

    Makes total sense to me. Square Co is the parent company and SquareSoft is their brand.

  8. Thoraxekicksazz

    What copy of the game is this? The original NA release was a White screen printed disk.

  9. If a Charizard misprint can run thousands of dollars a FF7 disc should too!

  10. PalebloodSky

    Interesting, gonna go check my FFVII disks tonight.

  11. Tdem2626

    I’ve got 3 discs with the misprint. How do I attach a picture?

  12. Heysiwicki

    I thought the originals had like a white coat painting but the discy ou have are the ones after that?

  13. JT-Lionheart

    Final Fantasy 7 trademark up for grabs confirmed

  14. Communiste2000

    The French version of this title is infamous for containing a ton of spelling mistakes.

  15. Iggy_Slayer

    Even the localization of the disc was bad!

  16. deejayee

    Enix is a combo of a computer and phoenix. Always annoys my when weebuus say “eh nix”.

  17. Saneless

    I need more coffee. I was like, why would you write on your disc like that?

  18. I’ll give you one million dollars and 2 ducks for that

  19. s0ftreset

    Pretty sure this is just the greatest hits copy that has a common misprint. I have both original and GH vet. My GH also has this misprint

  20. PregnantGoku1312

    I’m imagining some guy working at Sony thinking he got away with it, only to be called back into the office 25 years later to get chewed out.

  21. It was always Square (Squaresoft was probably another legal name for another region).

    Or maybe it was during it’s transition from Square to Squaresoft.

    You can see that most early games (rad racer, final fantasy) use “square”, not “squaresoft”.

  22. CheddarBayBizkit

    No, it says they are registered trademarks of Square, Co. , Ltd. Not Square Soft Co.

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