Maj3r’s response to blade concerning crowd cheating

Maj3r’s response to blade concerning crowd cheating


  1. Regarding the clutch against w0nderful on dust 2, if they had heard w0nderful running in tunnels then why is he checking other angles? He’s looking window, doors, tunnels, then doors and window again before just crouching in the middle of the site aiming at tunnels. He can’t have heard him make steps at that moment, since w0nderful had started shifting like 10 seconds before, and neither can he have heard w0nderful picking up jL’s m4 (and thus dropping his AWP on the floor) since he did that earlier as well

    EDIT: I have just been made aware w0nderful did make a sound, so I stand corrected.

  2. xesrightyouknow

    Put them back in soundproof booths if you don’t want crowd interference

  3. fantasnick

    Well, I guess the only thing people can do to settle this matter is to release the team audios and decide from there.

    I hate how this becomes not about a certain group of people in the room and instead becomes judging a whole nation by them

  4. ChaoticFlameZz

    For those without twitter:

    Tweet 1: “B1ad3, we never hear them giving us information, and you had 30-40 navi fans on your side and we had only 10-15.

    I lost my clutch on ancient because of fans, even b1t said there no kit cause we are eco, i had one but its your fans who cry there not turkish, my 1v1 vs w0nderful also in dust2 he step tunnel we clearly hear in game. The only things is both team suffer about this complète fans yelling in every situation. I can assure you, u can aşk audio about our full teamspeak, we never hear or my teammate give me a information about the game. Congratulations to your win again.”

    Tweet 2: “And you guys have more expérience about that, its impossible to hear any one speaking man, u only hear people crying and try to understand what happen or what will happen, but this for both teams.

    This fans expérience so close should be forbiden.”

  5. hellvinator

    Aah yes let’s counter argue!! Peak adults playing video games right here. No your fans were louder, No YOUR fans were louder! What do you say about our fans you little … ?

    Come on guys be better. This is so childish.

  6. Sea_Quantity8941

    Noise shit is put them sound proof booths thats the solution looking at crowd shouldn’t happen either way mid round. As this isn’t JL’s fault crowd shouldn’t be 5 metres close as well. I’ve been to Pro league years before and checked you still can interact with the fans in the breaks etc some team if they wanted they could easily organize a plan with fans with banners etc. So much to learn from this.

  7. two teams have to argue about this problem that ESL created. i hope they learnt their lesson to either host it in a arena (which i don’t think there is one in Malta) or just play without the crowd or just move the event in another country where there is a arena

  8. I don’t see how the last point is even relevant, of course his teammates will not say info that they have no legit way of knowing, they would either hear it from the crowd or not at all. That being said, the crowd noise has always been an issue and teams have had to play around it, look at any 1v1 post plant with a crowd, but it’s up to the players how they react, like that vitality A anubis clutch, where apex said to defuse and when the crowd is loud to stop and kill the T, but the problem this time was that the crowd was so close that players could hear anyone from the crowd screaming or shouting.

  9. Subject-Sky-9490

    Turkish fans try to act normal: (Impossible)

  10. I think both need to understand that this is not about EF vs. Na’Vi…

    This is about assholes harming the sport. And ESL not doing the necessary things to stop them from doing so.

  11. Turkish players/fans are the same as the Brazilians. It’s always them against the world, everyone is against them and nothing is fair.

  12. Appropriate_Month111

    i dont believe maj3r here. I watched the whole final, and turks in the crowd were way way louder than any NAVI chants. They were screaming at the top of their lungs, also were really close to EF.

  13. ExposingCretins

    EF not hearing the crowd doesn’t mean they weren’t trying to cheat.

  14. I cant imagine what would happen if eternal won the series.

  15. Maybe EF didn’t hear anything. But isn’t it like really easy to confirm what blad3 said, if there were multiple warnings ESL could verify it.

  16. Pretend_Education_86

    I personally hate cs in studios when there are crowds. This crap has been a thing forever, hell back in the day players would flashbang angles and watch for it. There are so many instances sinxe the beginning of people using anything they can to gain advantage.

    Hell yesrterday majer was rotating his mouse on dust 2 ct spawn asking for crowd confirmation of people being there. Both teams cheated 100 but I’m not going to make it a pity party of which one did it more.

  17. Significant-Garage55

    More like TO floor manager’s fault more than team.

  18. Strg-Alt-Entf

    What’s even the benefit of letting the players hear the crowd?

    Put them into soundproof boxes, possibly facing each other, but not hearing each other or the crowd. I personally always thought that’s a no-brainer in a competitive shooter, where info is match deciding.

    And players screaming at each other, insulting, gesturing wildly is fucking cringe anyway. I don’t know any other sport in the world, in which it is accepted to loudly and publicly insult the opponents. Fucking awful.

    All together, hearing the crowd and the other team destroys the „sports“ aspect of it, which is supposed to be about a fair competition.


    Are we not at a technology standpoint where they could be put in sound proof boxes?

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