Cyberpunk 2077

Do you think Dex wouldn’t be seen as a gonk Fixer anymore if the Relic heist had been successful?

Do you think Dex wouldn’t be seen as a gonk Fixer anymore if the Relic heist had been successful?


  1. Probably , but then V wouldn’t be as he/she is

  2. astarinthenight

    To be fair what happened during the Hist isn’t anyone fault. Saburo Arasaka made a last minute decision to visit his son. Because of this the entirety of Arasaka’s security apparatus turned its eye onto the Hotel, dooming the hist.

  3. AzuraSchwartz

    He would be a more successful fixer. More alive too. But still a gonk.

  4. PixelBoom

    Even IF the heist was completely successful, he wouldn’t be a fixer anymore.

    He was already on the run from a lot of powerful people (he’s the main reason Pacifica is a shithole) as well as on the VDB’s shitlist. The heist was his hail mary play to get an early retirement and a way out of NC and NUSA.

    Would he still be seen as a has-been? Yeah, probably. Rogue runs the mercs in NC for a reason.

  5. Morkinis

    Well, it’s not like anyone who participated could brag about successfully stealing secret tech from Arasaka and hope to stay alive long enough.

  6. r0bb3dzombie

    If the heist was successful, and Dex was actually competent, he’d had to make sure no one knows it was his gig. Because if word got out he’s getting credit for it as fixer, Arasaka would be on him instantly, just like how it ended up.

    And even if he did manage to keep the secret, the real client (VDBs) wouldn’t let a loose end like him hang around. Dex, T Bug, Evelyn, V, Jackie, hell, even Judy and Royoce/Brick would probably be killed by them.

  7. Hoshiko-Yoshida

    If the Heist had gone well, no one would have known he was involved. He’d have simply cashed out, quietly, with ‘Saka scratching their heads until the Voodoo Boys made their play.

  8. JerryWong048

    That’s the plan no? He fucked up in Pacifica, loss a bunch of rep and has to lay low. Now he wanna do this one extravagant job to start again with a clean slate and propel himself to the legendary status that he so crave.

  9. babycabel

    I was shocked when I stumbled on his body while doing a gig.

  10. ReAPeRwolf13704

    From what I can see of the cyberpunk society there’s a strong ‘stand and fight and fight and overcome, overcome and dominate’ mentality.
    Dex could of fixed hundreds of successful ops and would still be seen as the coward who ran and hid in pacifica. So no I don’t think the ‘saka heist would put him any higher up the food chain.
    In fact he shoots you blistering with his own bullshit and the moment you wake you see the real dex begging for his life.

  11. microwavefridge2000

    Even if heist was successful, all team members would be dead sooner or later. Including Dex. Goro is not a detective, yet he found Dex that was on the run, within few days. I can’t imagine world where Arasaka wouldn’t find everyone responsible – zero them and get Relic back,

  12. codespace

    Dex caused a lot of problems for Pacifica before his little vacation away from NC, and the first job he sets up upon his return has “some boys from Pacifica” tell him to skip vetting the client for said job. Instead of reading that as the giant glaring neon-soaked red flag that it was, he just shrugged and continued on with the heist prep.

    Dex may very well be the *most* gonk fixer NC’s ever seen.

  13. Philip_Raven

    The heist was doomed from the start. Even if it went smoothly I would hazard a guess that he would still be considered an idiot who just got lucky.

    I think that the crew (You, Jackie and T-bug) would be more celebrated than Dex because let’s be honest, the heist plan had more holes in it than Smasher after the fight with V.

  14. hydracicada

    it wouldn’t be a cyberpunk game if the relic heist had been successful.

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