Strange oily substance on my Nvme?

Hey guys I removed my pc components to check up on my psu, then I noticed my nvme got some oily liquid on it… every component around it is dry, just only this seems to have some liquid on it- never dropped liquid from outside… could it be from the that's been covering it?. This is wiered


  1. MrGlatiator

    thats normal, it comes from the thermal pads

  2. Whole_Ingenuity_9902

    thermal pad grease, its normal and not dangerous to components

  3. XxToasterFucker69xX

    it got wet because you keep too much hentai there

  4. wulfyenstein

    If your vaping to much with windows close you can cause that. That “substance” can even short pc parts like ram for example.

  5. David0ne86

    It’s the thermal pad that releases that greasy substance when it gets warm. It’s completely normal and safe.

  6. TurbulentJuice1234

    Silicone grease from thermal pads. Safe and nothing to work about

  7. _reddit_account

    Those are tears of happiness from leaving the oven you put them in

  8. Capirex95

    It’s just nvme sweat. It’s warm in there.

  9. ElectronX_Core

    More of that strange oil… It’s probably nothing.

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