
[Dragon Age: The Veilguard] The Qun didn’t prepare us for this

The aesthetic decision to make Qunari just humans with big foreheads is one of the most baffling things to come out of BioWare, especially when they nailed the look in DA2.


  1. Yeah, i have a hard time giving the game the benefit of the doubt (after disliked 2 and hating 3) due to their awful redesign.

  2. Thoraxekicksazz

    Everyone that made BioWare great has left long ago. It’s just another hollow soulless EA studio.

  3. Why does every character in that game have the same head proportions as Megamind? It looks so weird with big heads everywhere

  4. virgoven

    I.. I won’t lie.. I thought the first was some 2000s CGI render..

  5. Herooo31

    i feel like if they just put those horns lower it would have been fine but this way they created these massive foreheads it looks weird

  6. Nyarlathotep-chan

    Honestly, whoever made that Qunari Rook just sucks at character creation. IGN gave a little snippet of the character creator and it looks a helluva lot better than that. Dude just picked the most basic shit

  7. It’s too smooth. Character customization better have more texture options.

  8. LordJebusVII

    They’re clearly standard human faces now with pointed ears and horns merged into the face so they don’t have to overcomplicate the character designer, it wouldn’t look so bad if the blending was further into the forehead but giving them a big smooth forehead just looks strange

  9. Whispering_Wolf

    That looks horrible. Just so boring and generic.

  10. UnityOfEva

    I waited patiently for TEN FUCKING YEARS and this is how they thank us? With subpar redesigns of the Qunari to look like a 2005 low budget cartoon?

  11. WhiskeyTangoFun

    Left looks like the CGI they did to The Rock as the Scorpion king.

  12. Mario439

    That’s not a forehead, that’s a fivehead

  13. playertd

    This game gunna tank harder than anthem lol

  14. MolagbalsMuatra

    Why does the left look like Josh Hutcherson with Down’s syndrome?

  15. JonTheWizard

    The Arishok has seen this and he is displeased.

  16. republiccommando07

    The new Qun are so ugly, they lost all racial style and appeal they had. Which is a shame I would have probably had Taash in my party if she looked similar to the old style but her model is so so ugly.

  17. Silantro-89

    I always wondered why the quality of the character models in DA2 look so bad next to ME2/ME3.

  18. kairos89

    It honestly feels like all the magic has been sucked out of the game. The character looks like a bad cosplayer.

  19. AidilAfham42

    Bioware character creators tend to have complexion or wrinkle sliders, I’m gonna bump it way up to have at least some texture to break up that massive smooth forehead

  20. KnobbyDarkling

    What is with modern game studios thinking that making a game for a “modern audience” means shit character design

  21. FutureLost

    Ew. This is why Twi’leks wear headbands.

  22. Significant-Low7703

    Wait the qunari were so dope what happened

  23. Fares26597

    The whole game got this weird glossy Hobbit movies filter over it and I’m not sure why.

  24. The look of the Qunari has been COMPLETELY different, every game. None of them, in any of the games, have looked even remotely close to the previous games.

  25. Grizzem222

    This looks like a drunk was asked to draw baldurs gate 3 tieflings from memory. Bruh the design is such a downgrade holy shit

  26. what the fuck is that abomination on the left supposed to be?

  27. Blueface1999

    Talk about giant down grades, making humans with horns and a giant forehead is a terrible decision

  28. GodrickTheGoof

    I can’t lol. I just can’t take it seriously lol

  29. Is this where people start bullying the stuido like they did with Sonic? It really should be because what the hell is even that? Did they learn nothing from ME:A?

  30. Thr art style is so horrid it just makes me sad it doesn’t suit a dark fantasy imagine warhammer with the same artstyle

  31. Passing-Through247

    You can use that chin as a bottle opener.

  32. Rubixcubelube

    OOF! how did someone sign off on that? I’m willing to hold hope that this game is better than is currently being advertised but MAN… that character design is really missing the mark.

  33. Supadrumma4411

    Everyone has that bloody man chin, square jaw ugliness, male or female.

  34. RedRoker

    I don’t understand why BioWare has so much trouble copying tieflings

  35. VeryNiceBalance_LOL

    Btw has anyone noticed how every single female character shown has a fucking man jaw? Like a massive man jaw and chin. The fuck is that???

  36. dagbiker

    This looks like someone asked OpenAi to draw them a goat person.

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