Cyberpunk 2077

My Johnny Silverhand Cosplay

Hi everyone! I recently got shots of my Johnny Silverhand cosplay.
I hope that this sort of thing is okay here.

The whole costume was made by and my wife.


  1. SuperArppis


    I thought it was some replica figurine, but it was a cosplay! Nice.

  2. Simple_Enjoyer1

    1) This is breathtaking

    2) I like how every recent Keanu character is almost the same, edgy, trigger happy guy

  3. Adalf_Hotler69420

    For a second I thought that was an in-game screenshot until I decided to look at the pic twice

  4. Educational_Term_436

    Why are the photos empty there’s no one there

    So much for a cosplay

    (If you get the joke you get the joke)

    (But wonderful cosplay)

  5. hold-on-pain-ends


  6. Saucissou

    I thought it was a screenshot of the game with the 4k shit mod

  7. Missael235

    Heck how did you make the background? is it some kind of photoshop or something like that? That’s amazing!

  8. EJYEEZY199

    Your spouse loves details… Lol this is the best Silverhand I’ve seen in about 50 years!

  9. WrenchTheGoblin

    Only thing that would be better than this is if Keanu Reeves did it. Really well done.

  10. ![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized)

    Cosplay? No….

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