Cyberpunk 2077

Would any of you live in Night City?

And risk being in a Cyberpsycho attack or living in poverty due to someone like Lucy stealing from you? Or would you become a Cyberpunk like V and try to climb the ladder, risking being killed in a variety of ways. Not to mention, you have to deal with Arasaka which is a horrible company who controls everything.


  1. astarinthenight

    Dog Town, but yea you can find anything in Night City.

  2. highwayknees

    I feel like people keep forgetting this is a dystopia.

    The answer is no. Holy hell no.

  3. Adalf_Hotler69420

    As long as I have a respawn or load checkpoint option – I would 🙂

  4. easyoperator

    Seems just like a neon version of the shit world we have now. So yes.

  5. My dumb brain says yes but instincts tells me no, there’s no way to tell what kind of shit you born into.

  6. HarbingerOfMeat

    Jesus Christ yeah. Harvest some chrome from some gonks, go cyberpsycho on bangers all over the city.. Double jump and mantis blades irl would be my new life. A city of light and blood unlike any other, baby..

  7. As a tourist sure, live in the city? Hellll no

  8. LuckyDr1ft3r

    Hell yeah, gonna get killed in 3 to 5 days but it would be cool.

  9. Cpt_kaoss

    Hell FCKN no😂 I’ve served a decade in the army and seen enough shyt for 10 lifetimes 😐 I feel no need to add to that😅

  10. I mean you can get attacked by a normal psycho irl, you are controlled by corporations and banks at least cyberpunk looks awesome and you can mod yourself

  11. Due_Philosopher5656

    I’d do it for all the babes 🤤

  12. TopAdditional7067

    Unless I’m cyberpunking, that’s a huge no

  13. spikebrennan

    Imagine the smell from the trash everywhere. Unwashed bodies in the heat. A bottle of water costs $1000.

    Yes, the skyline looks like a slot machine. But Night City is as much of a dystopia as Velen.

  14. Freyr-Freya

    As much as I love the style and the tech, the world would absolutely suck ass to live in. So it’s gonna be a no from me and probably anyone with a brain.

  15. aussiewlw

    Remove the crime rate and Arasaka and yes I would.

  16. theguccixands

    I think if you become a really good merc or get a pretty sweet corpo gig you could have a pretty decent life in NC. So if I were either of those? Yessir

  17. No_Needleworker_9921

    hell no not in the city maybe out in the desert but not the city

  18. MrListr-SistrFistr

    I mean, depends really. Do I have implants? Do I have TT? What’s the policy? Do I have a job? Is it for arasaka?

  19. Beneficial_Shower171

    everyone’s saying “no, it’s a dystopia” but as a Big City Enjoyer I think a futuristic mixture of LA and San Fran where I can get a robot arm sounds like fun. Yea, I could get shot on any street corner, but that could happen to me right now, sans robot arm

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