From print screens to phone screens, the evolution of the ‘perfect’ screenshot

From print screens to phone screens, the evolution of the ‘perfect’ screenshot


  1. iPlayStuffs

    Me who didn’t know any of this in time and resorted to vaguely memorize the content and describe it back to my friend with words. Whom just stared back at me as if I just stepped thru a time machine from 1874. Soooo many GTA Vice City memories forever lost lol.

    I didn’t even own a smartphone, or a phone at all until I was in college and had a Nokia brick. I didn’t even speak English at that time and the Internet arrived in my country like less than 15 years before that so I was digitally iliterate as hell. Learnt how to properly take a screenshot in my early 18 which was like almost 6 years ago lol.

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