Call of Duty: Zombies

It’s just optional guys stop gatekeeping or whatever

It’s just optional guys stop gatekeeping or whatever


  1. Maximum_Impressive

    Box has been mid in cold war only good for raygun and streaks .

  2. They’re just gonna take away the mystery and name it weapon box, then call it innovative

  3. Hawthm_the_Coward

    I’m not even sure why the box (or wallbuys, for that matter) is there anymore. At this point they should just have a Ray Gun quest, a map Wonder Weapon quest, and a loadout swap box. That’s how inconsequential the gun you’re holding has become.

    I’m not mad so much as just confused as to why they streamline some parts of the mode, but then leave some clunky stuff in that no longer meshes with anything.

  4. PreyForCougars

    More like zombies fans when they don’t get the exact same game mode they’ve been playing in for over 15 years (it’s round based. They have an unhealthy obsession with round based).

  5. Green_Dayzed

    This is dumb because they can just do that in their loadout. Didn’t really think this through did ya.
    Then they’ll have their easygum to get the wonder weapons.

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