I peaked in late 2008 with this 3-way SLI GTX280, i7 build with a 30″ LCD. After building since the 386 days, I had a stretch of 6 years where I only had laptops. When I got to build another gaming rig, I went a bit nuts. And great timing! FC2, Dead Space, FO3, Borderlands, etc. Such a good time!

I peaked in late 2008 with this 3-way SLI GTX280, i7 build with a 30″ LCD. After building since the 386 days, I had a stretch of 6 years where I only had laptops. When I got to build another gaming rig, I went a bit nuts. And great timing! FC2, Dead Space, FO3, Borderlands, etc. Such a good time!


  1. DocCaliban

    I kept it at work where I was the IT admin. In my office was a nearly soundproof closet with a couple servers and a network rack, and a dedicated split unit air conditioner. I put the PC in that room and ran the cables through the wall. No machine noise! It was fantastic.

  2. It’s wild to me that this cost more than my 4090 and takes way more power, and these were “the good old days” when GPUs were cheap and not power hungry.

    I think people forget that balls to the wall performance costs money and chugs power…

  3. Qazax1337

    You had the baller ROG motherboard too. Nice.

  4. I remember dreaming about this sort of stuff while reading articles on The Tech Report

  5. ![gif](giphy|YHYmMLkOmqoo)

    Nice. Ram cooler. Tri-SLI. Good times.

  6. AdministrativeHost15

    I’m also running a Thermaltake 1200W. The oldest component in my desktop, 10+ years. Lasted through multiple MB, CPU, GPU upgrades.

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