an other cheater post

Last time i posted a video with guy cheating moderators removed my post with "no evidence"

I ve been around on this game since the start and i never seen a blatant cheater being around for so long without getting banned…its obnoxious the current cheater state of the game.

So last month there is a guy i keep finding in my games…his name is morris-0837 and renamed today at 0rched

He is playing with a streamer named but since i do only solos i have met him only in solos.

  1. 1st clip he just smoke him self and headshot me through smoke like he has thermal scope.

  2. under his new name i ve met him today and he just sees me with wallhack in a very nasty shot

  3. i saw him on killfeed so i decide to go on a stupid spot and go afk there…he drives from military and instant spots me…then i spectated him and captured all his kills…

his stats


his streamer friend playing together (he knows his friend is cheating and propably he use same cheat aswell

and guess what…whenever he gets 24hr ban he plays on other account

This game deservers better but at this moment its a joke….a bad one

1 Comment

  1. Helmsshallows

    It looked pretty clean( video is hard to see on phone), until his aim assist snapped to the guy behind him in the blue zone. 3rd video was damning.

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