4 v 2 finale. My whole squad got wiped by what I thought were hackers. They kept hitting us through smokes and while crawling. In reality, both enemies had thermals. I refuse to ever play Vikendi again.

4 v 2 finale. My whole squad got wiped by what I thought were hackers. They kept hitting us through smokes and while crawling. In reality, both enemies had thermals. I refuse to ever play Vikendi again.


  1. Ukn0wThvibe

    I dodge this map. Complete fuckery to have thermal scopes and they still fail to fully remove it. I understand your fustration.

  2. DinkyDonky96

    Yea this happened TGLTN aswell. He had a really good smoke play setup in the last zone of a game, just for 2 thermals to pin him down. He complained about it aswell.

    They could at least give “anti thermal smoke” grenade if they are gonna keep it in the game.

  3. Helmsshallows

    In game cheat code. Better get you a thermal on Vikendi boys.

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