Call of Duty: Zombies

Thoughts on this poll I found

Thoughts on this poll I found


  1. ThunderBuns935

    I mean… very obvious result? CW zombies was overall very well liked, Vanguard and MWZ… not so much.

  2. Tall_Enthusiasm9748

    Who would honestly vote for vanguard?

  3. Shatnips

    They were all terrible. CW had Die Maschine and a little bit of the Holdout objective from Outbreak, but that was it. Felt like each map should’ve had a section in the dark aether, but fell flat for CW.

    Vanguard and MWZ also both sucked

  4. Maximum_Impressive

    The plot of cold war is the dark Ather why wouldn’t it win?

  5. iamsocks2

    Comparing a decent game to 2 rushed piles of crap? This survey means nothing lol

  6. Rodrista

    This could also be a list of worst zombies experiences

  7. Admirable-Design-151

    Vanguard I think is ascetically the best game here, despite the gameplay, it is a gorgeous visual ascetic, but Cold War is the better showcase of what makes the dark aether unique

  8. Ken10Ethan

    Honestly? Gotta say, for as shit as the game itself was, I think Vanguard has the most compelling depiction of it.

    I love how the DA looks in CW, but outside of Die Maschine it kind of just looks like you slapped a purple filter on your screen and sprinkled a few jellyfish or crystals around the place. The Dark Aether is meant to be an entire dimension, and while it’s not supposed to be an especially hospitable place (it’s basically just, like, a dimensional trash can), people do still live there, so I have to imagine there’s SOME variance in biomes.

    And I think the best part is that both depictions can coexist very nicely. If I have my lore right, the Dark Aether during Vanguard had a few different god-like beings controlling the place, but Big Bad Kortifex fucked shit up and managed to banish those gods to Earth by trapping them inside artifacts, which I /THINK/ is meant to represent how Requiem manages to create the field upgrades we use.

    Zykov enters at some point, becomes the Forsaken and fucks shit up even MORE to the point that people made active attempts to make specialized weapons SOLELY to kill him (which is how we get the Chrysalax), so I think it’s totally reasonable to draw the connection that the Dark Aether we see in CW and beyond is essentially the apocalypse of an apocalypse of an apocalypse.

  9. Mwz was cool but it got overused and now just feels boring Cold War was super vibrant and crazy which I think is why it’s the best

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