Call of Duty: Zombies

Despite the hatred I have for armor, I hope that at Bo6 we can upgrade the basic armor to that of the Mangler.

Despite the hatred I have for armor, I hope that at Bo6 we can upgrade the basic armor to that of the Mangler.


  1. TheRiddlerCum

    i have no idea what that means but it sounds hipster as hell

  2. quittin_Tarantino

    So you want to upgrade the armor of an ability that makes you invincible and gives you instakill already?

    Makes. No. Sense.

  3. Rodrista

    I’d rather they didn’t have a mangler upgrade at all.

  4. I don’t get why we haven’t seen a human in the mangler armour in this time line its supposed to be armour for alive people. I think it would be cool to interact with one in a map and either have them help us or help them for the main quest.

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