Cyberpunk 2077

What has to be your essential weapons you always use?

For me I love a good pistol, smg build with shotguns and swords for fast, quick and messy kills, my favorite were archangel, and Saburo’s sword but now I use bald eagle, amnesty, and errata alongside fenrir and the Satara that damn shotgun is really nice, now I use order or Dezerter for a lot of fun to tear apart Tyger claws and scavs


  1. QueenCobra91

    definetly the nue. its the strongest pistol and just perfect for stealth gaming. 1 hit = 1 kill

  2. Studio_DSL

    My completely tricked out secondary in always use

  3. donovanflame04

    Probably the Buzzsaw or Divided We Stand

  4. Humming_Skelly

    1St course a good heavy hitting revolver (suppressed malorian overture)

    2nd course high fire rate submg like a problem solver.

    Dessert. Precision rifle SOR 22.

    malorian for sneeki breeki
    problem solver for when shit goes south
    SOR 22 when said shit is wearing kevlar

  5. Creative_name25

    Johnny’s pistol, Byakko and guts. My main loadout for all my playthroughs.

  6. Anti-Man001

    Sovereign shotgun for incredibly fast fire and reload speeds and synergy with Micro generator and the Body Obliterate skill tree. Add a Sandevistan for being able to press it against enemies foreheads before pulling the trigger. 😙👌🏻

  7. U-V_catastrophe

    Seraph is probably my favourite. Until I get the thing I’m mostly using nue or tamayura.

  8. Equivalent-Mud-141

    I always take guns that have the best stats and do my loadout like in Counter Strike but with katana.

    Fucking habits from playing CS.

  9. Willing-Contract5506

    I really like using WidowMaker, the rest are mostly variable but I also like the Raiju I think is called

  10. Kalaaleq93

    Psalm 11:6, Raiju, Dying Night and most importantly Sir John and BFC 9000

  11. Extravagod

    In the middle of a Lizzie gun playthrough. Love it.

  12. Projectile launch system, unless I’m explicitly doing a build around one of the others, I’ll always go with the launcher.

  13. ExternalEmployee423

    Not seeing much love for fenrir. I thinks it’s downright amazing, and when it applies cyberware malfunction it counts for the netrunner perk progression. It’s a solid smg.

  14. Russeltier

    Byakko. Katana-V is the one true and only V!

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